
Monday, February 22, 2010

FODEP condemns K5bn bid for MPs at NCC

FODEP condemns K5bn bid for MPs at NCC
By Speedwell Mupuchi
Mon 22 Feb. 2010, 04:50 CAT

FODEP executive director Charity Musamba has said the proposal to pay K5 billion facilitation allowances to Lusaka-based parliamentarians participating in the NCC is a manifestation of imprudent financial management of public resources.

In a statement, Musamba noted the proposal by Vice-President George Kunda was ill-conceived.

“More importantly, the proposal demonstrates the misplacement of priorities by those entrusted with the management of public resources. In this vein, FODEP wishes to advise government to immediately refrain from the tendency of utilising public resources for the benefit of the few ruling elites,” she stated.

“The proposed K5 billion could go a long way in assisting government to hasten the implementation of projects particularly those that directly address the needs of the majority poor.”

Musamba stated that Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) expected Cabinet and President Rupiah Banda in particular, to ultimately reject such an outrageous proposal to save government’s integrity and retain people’s confidence in it as regards to financial management.

“We implore the government in general not to approve such an extravagant expenditure. We further implore the Zambian people to take keen interest in the management of their resources and demand for accountability from their leaders,” Musamba stated.

President Banda before leaving for Luapula recently said the K5 billion proposed by Vice-President Kunda had not been tabled in Cabinet and he did not want to say anything to pre-empt Cabinet.

Vice-President Kunda’s proposal has been condemned by key stakeholders. Late president Levy Mwanawasa rejected such proposal which Vice-President Kunda had made.

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