
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Investigative wings need more power, says Chifungula

Investigative wings need more power, says Chifungula
By Joseph Mwenda
Thu 25 Feb. 2010, 10:10 CAT

AUDITOR General, Anna Chifungula has called for more powers to be given to the investigative wings within the government in order for corruption cases to be pursued promptly.

Speaking when she saw off visiting Norwegian state secretary for development and cooperation Ingrid Fiska at her office, Chifungula said Zambia had enough investigative wings which were capable of pursuing corruption cases but observed that they lacked empowerment.

“We have enough investigative wings already in place, but they are not empowered, these need to be empowered so that they can continue with their work,” she said.

Asked why she felt lack of empowerment was hindering the investigative wings from progressing when some senior officers in the same institutions were culprits of corruption, Chifungula said there was need to build capacity in the said institutions.

“That is why I am saying they need to be empowered, because once you build capacity in those institutions, they will be able to curry out their work more effectively even among themselves, she said. And Chifungula said reports that Norwegian funds were being misused by the Auditor General’s office were not true.

“I did read in one of the papers last time where they indicated that Norwegian funds were being abused by this office, let me assure you once again that this office does not abuse any donor funds it receives as we prudently accounts for it and use it only for the purpose intended.

And in her remarks, Fiska said Norway’s support for the Zambian Auditor General’s office was not only intended at controlling the public funds, but also to help Zambia increase its revenue base.

“Our support to your office is to do with not only controlling public funds, but also to see that Zambia is collecting more of its rightful taxes and we really support you on that path to increase your tax base,” said Fiska.

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