
Sunday, February 07, 2010

kunda has been caught pants down, says sata

kunda has been caught pants down, says sata
By George Chellah
Sun 07 Feb. 2010, 06:40 CAT

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) leader Michael Sata yesterday said Vice-President George Kunda has been caught pants down over his recommendation to Cabinet to pay about K5 billion to ministers and other Lusaka-based parliamentarians attending the National Constitutional Conference (NCC).

Reacting to Vice-President Kunda's statement that the government is following financial regulations as they pay delegates to the NCC, Sata said Vice-President Kunda's justification on his illicit looting list at the NCC did not make sense.

“George Kunda has nothing to say on this plunder. That's why he has been trying really hard to have a go at the pact without success. He is trying to use his plunder to associate innocent UPND members of parliament but it won't work because people are able to read through his lies,” Sata said.

“We all know that UPND went to the NCC in good faith. So Kunda is just wasting his time by trying to destabilise the pact. He won't succeed in destabilising the pact. Tell George Kunda that he has been caught pants down. On this one, alepela he has failed. Aloba ilyauma It is an exercise in futility.”

He said Vice-President Kunda was very selfish.

“George Kunda will be pursued on several other matters. George Kunda is very careless so he will be mincemeat. He cannot just resist money, because when it comes to money he is careless and very fast. If there is no criminal offence, there will be a civil case on this matter. George Kunda is the initiator and the law will decide,” Sata said.

“Kunda is using government to become rich. I would like to warn him that many people that have used government to become rich have ended up being very miserable. And Kunda hasn't got a long way to go. He will soon be in trouble over money.”

Sata insisted that there were no financial regulations being followed as claimed by Vice-President Kunda.

“They went to Cabinet at the inception of the NCC. Cabinet approved regulations of paying, but which regulation said they should be going to Cabinet every day?” Sata asked.

“He should accept that this particular one is plunder because it was not under the NCC regulations that's why he went to seek for approval in Cabinet.”

He said Vice-President Kunda was trying to soothe himself.

“George Kunda is trying to appease himself because all the regulations and financial regulations for financing and managing the NCC were done in 2006. And it is those financial regulations that have never been amended on which the NCC has been surviving and there have been budgetary provisions for those,” Sata said.

“He is wasting his time to try and defend himself and why didn't he answer here? Why did he go and answer in Livingstone? The original regulations excluded ministers and deputy ministers. The reason they denied them that allowance is because they use taxpayers fuel, taxpayers vehicles and taxpayers accommodation. That's why they excluded them.”

Sata said it was clear that Vice-President Kunda was an insensitive and selfish individual.

“For example, mealie-meal has been increased from about K65,000 to K70,000. So Zambians are paying the extra K5,000 on mealie meal to enable George Kunda and his friends to get K5 billion," Sata said.

“Transport has gone up too and George Kunda is busy jumping on an aeroplane to go and talk rubbish in Livingstone on taxpayers money. What sort of leaders are these?”

On Friday, Vice-President Kunda said the government was following financial regulations as they pay delegates to the NCC.

Speaking upon arrival at Livingstone International Airport yesterday, Vice-President Kunda said the NCC had credible men and women who could not be matched with Sata and the money they were being paid was budgeted for.

Vice-President Kunda’s comments came in the wake of condemnation from various stakeholders in the country over his recent recommendation to Cabinet to pay about K5 billion to ministers and other Lusaka-based parliamentarians attending the NCC.

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