
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kunda is psychologically unstable, says Hichilema

Kunda is psychologically unstable, says Hichilema
By Chibaula Silwamba
Thu 25 Feb. 2010, 04:01 CAT

And Hichilema said he and the UPND had stopped recognising Charles Malambo as chief Mwanachingwala because he was an MMD cadre.

Reacting to Vice-President Kunda's claim that UPND parliamentarians had clandestinely resolved to replace him with Mazabuka Central parliamentarian Gary Nkombo and Douglas Sykalima as deputy party leader, Hichilema said from his appearance Vice-President Kunda was under severe stress following President Banda's promise to Luapula and Western provinces that he would appoint a Vice-President from there.

He said Vice-President Kunda was under intense psychological trauma and nightmares because of President Rupiah Banda's relentless manoeuvres to replace him.

“George Kunda is under intense pressure. When Rupiah Banda promises the people of Luapula Province the vice-presidency, what do you think goes on in Kunda's mind, who is the incumbent Vice-President? There is panic! And sometimes panic and psychological trauma, which I think he is suffering from. Kunda is definitely suffering from psychological trauma and is causing him nightmares.

In his desire to show that he is useful to Rupiah Banda and the MMD, he then goes out because of his psychological trauma to manufacture stories in Livingstone where he knows is our stronghold,” Hichilema said.

“George Kunda is under severe stress; just look at his appearance, look at his mental state. He is under stress. I can understand. Actually, I am very sympatric to George Kunda.”

Hichilema said Vice-President Kunda was trying to please President Banda and show that he was useful so that he should not be removed from his portfolio hence his lies that there was a wrangle in the UPND. He said Vice-President Kunda had no mental strength.

“You ask yourself a question, why the man who was prosecuting former president Frederick Chiluba under Levy Mwanawasa, he was the one representing all of us in the London case, all of the sudden the same man has turned around 360 degrees. Would you think that man has mental strength? George Kunda has no integrity at all,” Hichilema said.

“You have to analyse people from a couple of incidences, then you begin to develop a pattern. The pattern around George Kunda is that he is psychologically unstable and that is why he can turn around and say there was no corruption involving the second Republican president, which he is failing to register here.”

Hichilema said he failed sorry for Vice-President Kunda because of his psychological trauma which was partially caused by President Banda's lack of fairness to his Kunda's position.

“He President Banda went to Western Province, he promised the Vice-Presidency, the other time it was Luapuala. We understand there are about 11 people waiting, who were promised the vice-presidency,” Hichilema said.

“He Vice-President Kunda is now in the state where he is completely confused. He goes to Livingstone and starts announcing those changes. He was just imagining that he wished Hakainde was not there. I think Hakainde is causing a lot of pressure on George, Rupiah and the corrupt MMD government.”

He said Vice-President Kunda's statement was a total fabrication and it did not bother him and the UPND.

“There is nothing like that. It is the pressure that George Kunda and the MMD are feeling, the pressure that we are mounting.

We have gone to places they thought where their strongholds; North-Western Province we have been whipping them there including Solwezi Central Constituency, in Northern Province, Central Province in Mumbwa we whipped them, Feira in Lusaka Province, everywhere,” Hichilema said.

“They are desperate because the PF-UPND Pact is there to stay. They thought they would destroy the Pact. If you look at the pattern of propaganda, actually it’s foolish propaganda, because propaganda should be based on facts and then you spin the facts in a way that it can advantage you. But what they are now doing is to fabricate complete lies.”

Hichilema said it was not a joke to run the affairs of the UPND.

“It's not easy to run an opposition party when you have a repressive government. Now George Kunda is amazed that Hakainde and his colleagues in the UPND are running consistently an opposition party, beating them MMD in 20 out of the 22 by-elections we have had in the last four months. I think it confuses them. So what does he do? He starts manufacturing lies,” Hichilema said.

“I just laughed at Kunda's lies, who by the way, gets advice from unintelligent individual called Major Robbie Chizhyuka. Chizhyuka has a very small brain.

His head is a bit big but his brain is so small. Chizhyuka advises Kunda that ‘just say there is a rift in UPND'. It's a non-issue, we will not be digressed by little issues like that. We are not moved.”

Addressing MMD cadres at Livingstone International Airport on Monday, Vice-President Kunda claimed that the UPND had serious internal problems.

“Mr Hakainde Hichilema will soon be expelled from his party by his members of Parliament. Mr Gary Nkombo will be appointed the president of the UPND while Mr Douglas Syakalima is going to be the deputy,” said Vice-President Kunda.

And Hichilema said the UPND had stripped chief Mwanachingwala, whose names are Charles Malambo, of the royal respect he previously enjoyed.

“We have given Mwanachingwala respect which he doesn't deserve for too long, from last week we in UPND have removed the respect on Charles Malambo. Mwanachingwala's name is Charles Malambo.

We don't call him a chief,” Hichilema said. “We respect the Mwanachingwala chieftaincy but we don't respect Charles Malambo anymore.

We take him as an MMD cadre. He will see our political pressure in Mazabuka; he controls nobody in Mazabuka. We beat him in 2001, 2006 and 2008 in terms of votes in his area. He can continue to get brown envelops from MMD it doesn't matter.”

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