
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Leaders must be shy to tell lies - Dr Lolojih

Leaders must be shy to tell lies - Dr Lolojih
By Henry Sinyangwe
Sat 27 Feb. 2010, 03:10 CAT

ZAMBIA needs leaders who can spend sleepless nights thinking of how best to develop the nation University of Zambia UNZA Political and Administrative studies head of department Dr Peter Lolojih has said. In an interview, Dr Lolojih said leaders must feel guilty when they see most of the citizens living in poverty.

“The country needs leaders who would spend sleepless nights thinking of how best to develop the nation. That is why they stand for leadership positions,” Dr.Lolojih said.

He said Zambia needed committed leaders who would think they had not done enough when they knocked off from work. He said leaders must also be committed to tell the truth and must feel shy when they told lies.

He said Zambia needed leaders who are seen to be accountable and not corrupt.
Dr Lolojih said Zambia needed leaders who were level headed and not those who would embarrass each other in public.

“If you are going to consolidate democracy, then there must be level headedness among the current and former political leaders not where are insulting each others privacy in public,” Dr Lolojih said.

He said it was important for political leaders to show respect for fellow citizens regardless of status or social standing.

“Everyone has a right to privacy, they have children, families and friends. The current trend of disrespect for one another by politicians is unacceptable,” Dr Lolojih said.

He said it did not paint a good picture to citizens because citizens could only have faith in leaders if there were signs of good moral standing among them.

And Dr Lolojih said there was too much corruption in Zambia, starting from the highest office as was observed by the declaration of the fight against corruption by the late president Mwanawasa.

He said it was worrying that people holding the highest offices were being investigated for corruption.

“In my view there is corruption in Zambia as can be seen from the various high-profile people like the police chiefs and army chiefs being investigated which means it is there even in the highest office. What more in other junior public offices?” Dr. Lolojih wondered.

He said Zambia needed leaders who were willing to fight corruption by proper implementation of the law.

“The bottom line for the fight against corruption is the will for the leaders to properly implement the law so that those cited for corruption are punished accordingly without favours,” Dr. Lolojih said.

He said President Rupiah Banda was free to follow his own legacy but if he had abandoned the late president Mwanawasa's call for zero tolerance on corruption, then he was not doing the right thing.

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