
Thursday, February 18, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) RB has not blocked PF Councils from getting a cut from mineral royalty tax -Shikapwasha

RB has not blocked PF Councils from getting a cut from mineral royalty tax -Shikapwasha
Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 20:46

Chief Government Spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha has refuted claims by Copperbelt Patriotic Front (PF) Provincial Chairman Mwenya Musenga that President Rupiah Banda blocked Copperbelt Councils from accessing their share of the Mineral Royalty Tax for councils to use in running their projects.

Lt. Gen. Shikapwasha stated that government has no intentions of blocking any council from accessing their share of the mineral royalty tax.

Lt. Gen. Shikapwasha, who is also Information and Broadcasting Services Minister, told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that the President Banda does not handle such issues but that this is the responsibility of the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development.

He described the allegations as false and unfounded saying Mr. Musenge is playing and exhibiting cheap politics retrogressive to the development of the country.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha urged Mr. Musenge and the opposition to respect the Head of State and focus on offering working solutions on developmental issues instead of engaging in mudslinging and insulting the President.

He challenged the Copperbelt PF Chairman to understand that mineral royalty tax is Law adding that the Mines Minister’s Office is there to identify and decide how the mineral royalty tax should be shared.

PF Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Mwenya Musenga is quoted in the media as having accused President Rupiah Banda of neglecting to develop the Copperbelt province by blocking the councils from getting a share of the mineral royalty tax.


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