
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Magande expresses concern over empowerment programmes

Magande expresses concern over empowerment programmes
By Florence Bupe
Thu 18 Feb. 2010, 08:50 CAT

NG’ANDU Magande has expressed concern at the implementation of empowerment programmes in the country. Magande, who is former finance minister, said the current system of disbursing empowerment facilities was inefficient and needed to be revised. He charged that institutions mandated to empower citizens, such as the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC), need a facelift to make them more effective.

“We need to have a review of the current empowerment programmes if we are to meaningfully reduce poverty levels in the country,” Magande said. “The CEEC in its current form is a mockery and there is need to revise the implementation of the programme.”

Magande lamented that poverty had become a trend in Zambia, despite the country’s vast resources.
He called for a change of mindset among citizens and challenged civil society organisation to spearhead this change.

“Back in the days, problems like those of street kids were unheard of. Now it has become a norm, and most of the problems we are facing are linked to the high poverty levels,” Magande said. “Something has just gone wrong with us and we seriously need to address it. It appears that poverty has become fashionable and we have accepted it that way.”

Magande said Zambia could only register meaningful and sustainable development if she reduced her dependence on foreign aid.

He urged all stakeholders involved in the drafting and implementation of the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) to ensure that it focuses on strengthening local investment as opposed to reliance on foreign handouts.

Magande further emphasised the importance of women empowerment under the next national development plan scheduled to run from 2011 to 2016.

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