
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Maguswi bemoans slow growth of aquaculture

Maguswi bemoans slow growth of aquaculture
By Fridah Zinyama
Wed 17 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

DEPARTMENT of fisheries director Charles Maguswi has said there is need to overcome the slow growth of the aquaculture (fish farming) sector in the country, as it has great potential for reducing poverty in the country.

And Aqua-Farmers Advisory Group chairperson David Kaunda said the fish farming sector had been having difficulties accessing credit since it was a relatively new sector in the country.

During the launch of the project ‘Support to Zambian’s Aqua Farmers’, Maguswi said currently, Zambia was only producing about 7,000 metric tonnes of fish, which was way below its production potential.

“The country produces about 80,000 metric tonnes of fish from its natural water resources and this amount could be easily surpassed by the aquaculture sector,” he said. “This will only happen once the challenges the sector is facing are adequately addressed.”

Maguswi said there was also need to ensure that fish farmers produced enough fish so as to realise some profits from the sector.

And Kaunda added that the fish farming sector has had some problems in accessing funds since lending institutions normally prefer to lend to the agriculture sectors which they are more knowledgeable of.

“We are hopeful that the situation will now change since more and more information is being availed about the aquaculture sector,” he said.

Kaunda said support to the fish farming sector should be well coordinated if the sector is to grow.

“In the past, support to the fish farming sector has been fragmented and this has contributed to its poor development,” he said. “It is also important for both government and the private sector to work together to ensure the growth of this sector.”

Fish farming is considered a good means of reducing poverty in rural areas as it can be easily done if farmers follow all requirements.

It can also be done on a community basis, therefore empowering an entire community.
Kaunda said it was also important for the government to quickly deal with land use conflicts which had been arising as farmers in rural areas grow their fish.

“Government should also ensure that they deal with the licensing issue which has been affecting the growth of the sector. There is so much red tape in registering a fish farming company and this process has been depleting people’s resources,” Kaunda.

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