
Thursday, February 25, 2010

MMD is using NCC to fix, divide opposition – Kazabu

MMD is using NCC to fix, divide opposition – Kazabu
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Wed 24 Feb. 2010, 08:40 CAT

FORMER Kitwe mayor Luxon Kazabu has charged that the MMD is now using the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) to fix and divide the opposition.

Commenting on the various progressive clauses in the Mung’omba draft constitution that have been rejected by the current NCC, Kazabu said the delegates to the conference had betrayed Zambians by serving the interests of the MMD and not the wishes of the majority Zambians.

He said it was disheartening that the constitution making process had lost direction as the people entrusted to come up with a people-driven constitution through the NCC were busy trashing critical recommendations for the sake of pleasing the MMD government.

He warned that the country risked going back to the constitution making process with every change of government because the people had been let down by those entrusted with the task.

Kazabu said civil society organisations and churches that initially declined to participate in the NCC had been vindicated, adding that the conference had been abused by the inbuilt MMD majority that were pushing the party’s agenda and not the people’s as prescribed by the Mung’omba draft constitution.

He said it was sad that critical clauses such as the 50 per cent plus one vote required for one to be declared Republican president had been subjected to a referendum when Zambians categorically stated through the Mung’omba draft constitution that the threshold would enhance fairness and legitimacy to the electoral process.

Kazabu said Zambians were tired of a minority government whose legitimacy remained questionable throughout their terms hence the recommendation for the 50 per cent plus one clause.

He said the NCC’s decision to throw out another provision that allowed political parties to merge after an election or during the life of a serving Parliament was not in the best interest of the country but a move meant to disadvantage the opposition.

“The MMD is scared. It is now using the NCC to fix and divide the opposition so that it becomes weak. This should not be allowed in our country, people should be able to resist politics of tyranny being practiced by the ruling party because Zambia is a democratic state and the wishes of the people must prevail every time,” Kazabu said.

He said it was regrettable that clauses that the MMD were comfortable with in the draft constitution had been quickly endorsed while those that were critical and meant to empower the majority people had been rejected maliciously.

Kazabu charged that a huge chunk of taxpayers’ money being channelled to the NCC was just being wasted because of the manner in which business was being handled at the conference.

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