
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Mutati castigates provincial PSs over CEEC-funded projects

Mutati castigates provincial PSs over CEEC-funded projects
By Florence Bupe
Wed 03 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

COMMERCE minister Felix Mutati has castigated provincial permanent secretaries for not taking keen interest in projects funded by the CEEC in their respective areas.

Speaking during a consultative meeting between provincial permanent secretaries and the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission in Chisamba on Monday, Mutati challenged permanent secretaries to be in the forefront of promoting developmental projects in their areas.

“In some cases, you find that controlling officers don’t even know what to tell their people when they inquire about the activities of the CEEC because they have chosen to remain spectators instead of partners in implementation,” he said.

The two-day consultative meeting has drawn permanent secretaries from all the nine provinces and other participants from the CEEC.

Mutati urged the participants to come up with a performance review method to ensure that they are on track in implementing government development programmes.

“You need to come up with a method of carrying out independent performance reviews to enhance ownership of developmental programmes,” Mutati said. “There is need for controlling officers to change their mindset.”

Since the inception of the CEEC, about 3,500 funding applications were received, of which 352 have been approved with a total disbursement of K136 billion.

And CEEC chairperson Jacob Sikazwe said there is need to develop a culture of support for local entrepreneurs.

“We need to inculcate a supportive culture for local entrepreneurship development. We need good political and corporate governance to promote a transparent and viable entrepreneurship base,” he said.

Sikazwe said Zambia had been manipulated by foreign investors and advised that the only way the country was going to achieve sustainable development was through enhancement of local entrepreneurship.

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