
Monday, February 15, 2010

Mwanachingwala not a factor in S/Province politics – Mwiimbu

Mwanachingwala not a factor in S/Province politics – Mwiimbu
By Agness Changala and Mwala Kalaluka
Mon 15 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

CHIEF Mwanachingwala is not a factor in the political dispensation of Southern Province, Monze Central UPND member of parliament Jack Mwiimbu has said. Mwiimbu said chief Mwanachingwala would not influence people to stop supporting the PF-UPND pact.

He said despite chief Mwanachingwala’s mischievous attacks on the pact, it was still receiving overwhelming support from his subjects.

“I must state categorically that chief Mwanachingwala is not a factor in the political dispensation of Southern Province because he has consistently supported the MMD even in 2001 elections,” he said.

“At no time did he render any support to the UPND and despite him being against us, people in his chiefdom supported our party in 2008. Even when we held presidential elections, the same chief, assured that the province would vote for him but alas! The situation was different.”

Mwiimbu said people in Southern Province would continue to vote for the pact no matter what the chief told them.

He said this was evident from the recent ward elections that were held in Itebe Ward, which was in his chiefdom.

“He openly campaigned for MMD candidate and unfortunately, his candidate lost the election, so where is the influence?” asked Mwiimbu.

And two UPND parliamentarians from Mazabuka district have turned down a government invitation that urged them to be present at yesterday’s meeting between President Rupiah Banda and chief Mwanachingwala.

Responding to a letter of invitation dated February 11, 2010 written to them by Mazabuka district commissioner Tyson Hamaamba, Mazabuka Central and Chinkankanta parliamentarians, Gary Nkombo and Munji Habeenzu respectively declined the invitation.

In his letter to the duo, Hamaamba informed them that there had been a change of programme for President Banda’s visit to Mazabuka from Saturday February 13 to Sunday February 14, 2010.

“I write to officially inform you that His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr. Rupiah Bwezani Banda’s visit to His Royal Highness Chief Mwanachingwala will be on Sunday 14th February, 2010 at 10.00 hours. There, you are requested to ignore the first mentioned date. However, the invitations still remain valid,” read Hamaamba’s letter.

But in their response dated February 12, 2010, the two parliamentarians stated that they were declining the invitation on grounds that President Banda’s visit was a private one and one whose agenda was silent on developmental issues.

“Upon seeing the programme for the President’s visit, we are convinced that this is a private visit whose agenda is silent on developmental issues. We, therefore, do not attach the value of the visit to the community that we represent,” the duo stated. “The programme states that the President will meet chiefs, farmers, the business community and party officials (We assume MMD party officials). Clearly sir, we do not belong to any of the above categories and therefore, we believe that there is no platform at this particular occasion for us to also present before the President matters that affect the majority of his people whom we represent.”

The duo stated that their expected presence at chief Mwanachingwala’s home was not beneficial for their constituents.

“In view of the foregoing, we humbly decline this invitation,” they stated.

Nkombo said reports by the public media that he was on hand to receive President Banda during his visit to Mazabuka yesterday were lies.

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