
Thursday, February 25, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Mboweni's Anglo job reward for protecting 'white capital': ANC YL

Mboweni's Anglo job reward for protecting 'white capital': ANC YL
by Business Reporter
24/02/2010 00:00:00

THE African National Congress’ Youth League on Wednesday launched an astonishing attack on Tito Mboweni, the former central bank chief, after he accepted a post as chairman of AngloGold Ashanti.

The Youth League, which has proposed the nationalisation of South African mines, said Mboweni’s move was “not at all surprising”.

“Mboweni’s appointment into a mining corporation ... reflects the reactionary, nonsensical and backward views he expressed when he was the mis-governor of the South African Reserve Bank that mines will not be nationalised in South Africa,” the Youth League said in a statement.

The Youth League said as governor, Mboweni was always “speaking the views of white capital, which controls the South African economy, particularly the extraction, processing and trade of minerals.”

“His latest appointment is clearly a reward for protecting the interests of male white capital,” the statement signed by the Youth League’s spokesman Floyd Shivambu said.

South African President Jacob Zuma has refused to commit himself on the Youth League’s call for nationalisation, saying there should be a national debate.

"We reiterate that nationalisation is not government policy," Zuma said in parliament in a reply to debate on his state-of-the-nation address last week.

He said the government could not stop ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema and other political formations from debating nationalisation.

"This is a democracy. He (Malema) has views, the ANC Youth League always has views. Debate the views of Malema and don't confuse a debate raised to policy of government," Zuma said to applause.

Malema said recently that nationalisation would happen “before I die”.

The Youth League said is “assures all South Africans that no amount of diversions, including by co-opted black reactionaries, will successfully oppose the nationalisation of mines ...”

It said the nationalisation of mines was “a key towards decisive and radical economic transformation which will benefit all South Africans, particularly the working class and the poor”.

Mining investors have expressed disquiet at the push for nationalisation.

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