
Friday, February 26, 2010

(NYASATIMES) Malawi exports tobacco hybrid seeds to fellow SADC states

Malawi exports tobacco hybrid seeds to fellow SADC states
By Nyasa Times
Published: February 26, 2010

Malawi has started exporting its tobacco hybrid seeds to Southern African Development Community countries of Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya, senior officials said here Friday.

Director of Agriculture Research in the ministry of agriculture, Ibrahim Phiri, told the local press that the exports would maximise production of quality tobacco in the region.

“This is an effort to ensure that, as a bloc, we offer good quality tobacco,” he said.

He added that the move would also help government to generate foreign exchange earnings.

Recently Malawi introduced new varieties of tobacco which include NC4 and RG630 to its smallholder farmers in order to boost production for the embattled crop.

In a related development, Tobacco Control Commission has warned that it will punish all famers whose tobacco will be mixed other materials to gain weight.

Chief Executive Officer for TCC ,Dr. Bruce Munthali said intermediate buyers –are the worst culprits when it comes to mixing non-tobacco related materials in their tobacco bales.

“This selling season we will mete punitive measures to all cheaters. Of course we know that intermediate buyers are the worst culprits,” said Munthali.

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