
Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Pact will outlive most of us, says Sata

The Pact will outlive most of us, says Sata
By George Chellah
Thu 11 Feb. 2010, 04:01 CAT

THE UPND/PF Pact shall outlive most Zambians and it is now too late for anyone to stop it, Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata has stated. In a statement yesterday, Sata said that the recent propaganda that the Pact would break up was the MMD government's myth and pipedream.

"Recently, the state-controlled broadsheets have relentlessly and shamelessly carried propaganda material regarding the so-called 'eminent' and long awaited 'break up' of the UPND-PF Pact, plainly on instructions from their puppet master, the outgoing MMD government,” Sata stated.

“As one of the leaders of the Pact, I can assure the nation that the Pact is nowhere near the so-called break-up the outgoing MMD government has been wishing and praying for."

Sata stated that the Pact was gaining momentum.

"The Pact is a moving train of change, which cannot be stopped now. The Pact is the only choice the people of Zambia have of ever having meaningful change in this country. The Pact has scared the 18-year-old MMD government out of their skins and it is now too late to stop it. If the pact was breaking up as it has constantly been claimed, you would have not seen any desperate statements from the likes of Ronnie Shikapwasha, George Kunda and other outgoing MMD government and functionaries, including known paid up political mercenaries," Sata stated.

"If the Pact was breaking up, you would have not seen increased efforts by Rupiah Banda and his cohorts to try and gerrymander the Constitution in a bid to bar certain Pact members from participating in democratic elections. If the Pact was breaking, you would not have seen so much money moving around from the Banda camp in a bid to buy the opposition that has been united with only one vision - to break the Zambians loose from the shackles of poverty whose levels are now at more than 80 per cent and growing higher in a country known as the biggest copper and other minerals producer in the whole of Africa.”

"If the Pact was weak, the disgraced Frederick Jacob Titus Chiluba would not have woken up from his slumber, dusted off his suits and started running around the country campaigning for desperate Banda - in fact unknowingly decampaigning Banda - even at the risk of him losing his benefits as a former leader who by law is required to stay away from active politics. Bamayo na batata, bana bahesu, I urge you to ignore the desperate rumours of the Pact break up being peddled as cheap news in the state-controlled broadsheets because the Pact is stronger now than ever before. The pact shall outlive most of us."

Sata stated that the unity and friendship in the Pact was stronger than before.

"For those of you that were still in doubt about the unity and friendship existing between the two leaders of the Pact, myself Michael Chilufya Sata and Hakainde Hichilema, doubt no more because we are stronger now than ever before. The desperate and outgoing MMD government is out of tricks hence the reason they are running around like headless chickens peddling news of a non existent break up by quoting junior party officials or dissidents who have absolutely no say in the running and organisation of the Pact. To borrow the street lingo, Banda and his men are now like Ba chimbwi with no plan," Sata stated.

"Most of the desperate and ignorant outgoing MMD government leaders have appreciated the fact that the MMD government is a sinking ship but they are still testing the waters before they could jump ship and get into the Pact hence the wild statements you are seeing now, it's like the proverbial drowning man clutching to a reed. Most of the MMD government leadership are aware of how similar arrangements (on the lines of the Pact) on the continent have effectively worked to dislodge inept sitting governments democratically and peacefully, as in Kenya when the Rainbow Coalition led by Mwai Kibaki historically trounced the unstoppable Kanu party with a 61 per cent landslide victory and demolishing Uhuru Kenyatta's dreams."

Sata stated that the MMD government had seen the writing on the wall.

"And they are very, very scared, and rightly so because they are not blind to the mood change this time around after having cheated Zambians for the past eighteen (18) years. I can assure you that what you are waiting for is not the fall of the Pact but the rise of the Pact and the end of the MMD government's misrule which is clearly going down the drain where it belongs," Sata stated. "Hakainde Hichilema and I are not going to be distracted from our national duty of uplifting the standards of Zambians from the shackles of poverty by cheaply and badly packaged propaganda in the state media. Hichilema and Michael Sata are going to keep their eyes where they matter the most - on the prize and that prize is you the people of Zambia who now live in shame because you cannot afford to feed your children or take them to school.

"The outgoing MMD government shall spend billions of your money on propaganda but at the end of the day, the truth shall prevail that you are poorer under Banda than ever before and you are more hopeless under Banda than ever before. Things can never get better under Banda and his team that is an illusion of the worst kind - they can only get worse. Let us stick and support the Pact because it is the only credible solution to the current desperation that has engulfed the country like a dark cloud ever since Banda stole the last elections. God bless the Pact and God bless all of you Zambians that are serious about getting out of the shackles of poverty."

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