
Saturday, February 27, 2010

PF-UPND pact is evil, says Kunda

COMMENT - The MMD is panicking. They know they will be out of a job come 2011.

PF-UPND pact is evil, says Kunda
By Chibaula Silwamba in Nyimba and Allan Mulenga in Petauke
Sat 27 Feb. 2010, 04:20 CAT

PF-UPND pact is evil, Vice-President George Kunda has said. And Vice-President Kunda said Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata is mad, erratic, disjointed and an evil man.

Meanwhile, Vice-President Kunda charged that UPND president Hakainde Hichilema is a mask of Sata and that he is panicking because the UPND has power struggles.

Addressing rallies in Nyimba and Petauke on Thursday, Vice-President Kunda said other than touring developmental projects in the province, he was also there to let people know how evil the PF-UPND was.

"To start with, Mr Sata is a hardcore tribalist. He is the hardliner where tribalism is concerned. He told us in Kasama when he was campaigning that he only believes in his people. Us with Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda we are fighting tribalism, we want 'one Zambia one nation'.

This is the danger with Mr Sata," Vice-President Kunda said. "The Mfuwe-Chipata Road K290 billion, we are building a road to revive tourism into Mfuwe. Those are the economic activities we are engaged in. We are diversifying the economy.

Now these people like Mr Sata, that evil man… Sata is saying, 'no, they are building a road for animals, insulting people.' Insulting people of Central Province, people of North-Western Province, he is sarcastic, he insults provincial leaders, he insults everybody. He is erratic. He is verging. He is disjointed."

Vice-President Kunda said Sata was a dangerous man.
"These people day in day out they are insulting traditional leaders, even the Chitimukulu. They can insult anybody. That is Mr Sata's agenda," Vice-President Kunda said. "You must be careful. The people of Zambia don't experiment on leadership."

Vice-President Kunda said Hichilema was a façade, who was campaigning for Sata to become Republican President.

"Now there's another leader called HH, Hakainde Hichilema. Hakainde Hichilema is a façade. It is the mask of Mr Sata. When you see him here, that is Sata. Behind that face is Sata. HH has no personality of his own. And they are keeping it a secret from the people of Zambia as to who is going to be the presidential candidate under the PF-UPND pact.

They want to keep it as a secret. Now they want the Zambian people to be following them blindly and then at the end of the day you will be in for a very big surprise," Vice-President Kunda. "I am not yet finished with UPND, I can confirm to the people of Zambia that there's a power struggle in UPND.

I am challenging those who are doubting my information, which I am giving to the people of Zambia. I am challenging them if they UPND have got facts to sue me if what I am saying is not true. Sue me and I am going to prove that there's a power struggle in UPND."

He said he was waiting for a legal suit from the UPND since Tuesday when Bweengwa member of parliament Highvie Hamududu threatened to sue him if he did not apologise within 12 hours.

"This is a public forum. I am not protected. I am not speaking in Parliament. I am waiting for a writ of summons today, any time, I am ready for a writ of summon to go to court. They have been threatening to sue me, now 24 hours is over. Where is the writ? Where is the suit? If what I am saying are lies let us prove it in court," Vice-President Kunda said. "HH is under siege, he is panicking because his party is under severe test."

Vice-President Kunda claimed that Sata was celebrating over the troubles in the pact partner, the UPND.

"You know a person like Mr Sata, a trickster. He is enjoying what is going on in UPND because that is now advancing his agenda," Vice-President Kunda said. "UPND is a shell. T

hey don't have a leader. The leader Hakainde Hichilema is just a mask. Wherever he goes he represents Mr Sata. Wherever he goes he goes to campaign for Mr Sata."

Vice-President Kunda told the people to be in the MMD because "a son of the soil" Rupiah Banda was President and would continue beyond 2011.

"Remain with MMD. We have a leader in Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda. We are going to a convention. Our leadership succession is straightforward. Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, this is his time to rule Zambia and the people of Zambia have shown all the confidence. Let's not make experiments with leadership.

We have enjoyed peace and tranquility in this country," he said. "This is time for Eastern Province to provide a President, a confident President who is providing leadership and our President we shall vote for him even in 2011. We want Eastern Province to provide a President."

He urged the people to reject the PF-UPND pact.
Vice-President Kunda revealed that he keeps the PF constitution in his office.

"I have read the PF constitution, which is in my office. The PF constitution is a plagiarised version of the one-party UNIP constitution. It is about dictatorship, it is about taking us back to the one party, which we rejected because Zambia is a multi-party system. We believe in democracy," Vice-President Kunda said.

"Under the PF constitution there will be no separation of powers. The judiciary will be tried under party discipline. Judges will be appearing before Mr Wynter Kabimba. Mr Kabimba will be trying judges.

Now, there is no such a thing within the Commonwealth because then you lose your liberties all of you. We don't want to go backward. We want to be moving forward in democracy where we respect the rights of people."
He said Sata moved with his party manifesto because it was not written.
Vice-President Kunda said President Banda had been supported countrywide.

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