
Thursday, February 04, 2010

Police record warn and caution statement against ‘gang-rapists’

Police record warn and caution statement against ‘gang-rapists’
By Sandra Mulowa
Thu 04 Feb. 2010, 04:01 CAT

POLICE in Lusaka on Tuesday recorded a warn and caution statement from Lusaka Province MMD youth leaders Chris Chalwe and Scorpion Kadobi for allegedly threatening to gang-rape FDD president Edith Nawakwi.

The duo appeared at Lusaka Central Police on Tuesday afternoon around 14:00 hours in the company of several MMD cadres clad in party regalia.

Police spokesperson Bonny Kapeso said the case had been referred to the DPP.
Police on Monday summoned the MMD cadres that threatened to gang rape Nawakwi for questioning at Lusaka Central Police Station but they did not appear.
Patriotic Front (PF) spokesperson Given Lubinda on Tuesday said failure to compel the MMD cadres to appear before police on Monday was a symptom of weakness in the police.

“It is a symptom of the fact that the police in Zambia do not operate without interference. It is also possible of the fact that MMD as a party are above the law and they are capable of daring the police,” he said.

“Had it been an ordinary citizen or even a member of the opposition such as Chishimba Kambwili they would have by now followed them to their home and locked them up. Not too long ago Mwenya Musenge, a member of parliament, was denied a police bond as though he were a common criminal.

Two days ago another member of parliament from the opposition was questioned, warned and cautioned and his docket is there with the DPP, awaiting further instruction. If members of parliament can be treated with that level of contempt, the police's failure to arrest the rapist is an infringement on the rights of Zambians and is compromise on Zambia's security.”

Lubinda challenged the police to arrest the MMD cadres.

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