
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Miliband revelation put MDC-T beyond redemption

Miliband revelation put MDC-T beyond redemption
Campion wekwaMereki - Miliband revelation put MDC-T beyond redemption
Wed, 03 Feb 2010 20:41:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR — The damage done to MDC-T by David Milliband’s statement about sanctions cannot be undone. All people who are trying to do damage control by saying he was quoted out of context are just applying lipstick to a frog.

Everybody who read or heard Miliband’s statement heard that sanctions can only be removed at the behest of MDC-T. So how people are falling over each other trying to interpret it in a way that says that he meant that Zanu-PF should behave itself, boggles the mind. The damage has already been done.

Those trying to do the damage control are just hiding behind a finger. It is as clear as day that MDC-T is a tool of the British. They created it and it is their baby. The British have just washed the baby’s soiled nappies in public.

MDC-T can try to defend itself but that will not change the fact that they called for the economic sanctions. At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Tsvangirai never called for the removal or condemnation of the ruinous sanctions.

His Canadian handler, Stephen Harper, had the guts to say President Mugabe must go before full engagement with the West. This is what we call regime change. Why do the Harpers of this world want President Mugabe out of the picture?

They know that all their modern day colonial tactics are not bearing any fruit and are being frustrated by President Mugabe through his unwavering principles.

Harper is overlooking the history of his country where his forbears chased away the Amerindians who are the rightful owners of Canada.

President Mugabe must stand firm together with all of us who do not want to be subjugated by the white man again who is using our black brothers and sisters.

MDC-T is falling apart.

lt’s beyond public relations redemption. lt is in public relations hell right now.

There is not a public relations man who can restore except propagandists.

Not long we will be writing its epitaph.

Campion wekwaMereki

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