
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) No Orange Revolution for Zimbabwe

No Orange Revolution for Zimbabwe
Peter Chidemo - No Orange Revolution for Zimbabwe
Wed, 10 Feb 2010 00:28:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - Any modicum of influence Britain had over Zimbabwe, Africa and the rest of the world has largely dissipated due to the unsavoury antics of New Labour under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's leadership.

As one Guardian (UK) commentator said: "Under their holier than thou creed, Blair and Brown have turned Britain into a pariah state, an international leper to be avoided and a cancer that metasizes its virulent and deadly cells to all healthy parts of the world."

Tony Blair and British prime minister, Gordon Brown should be tried for the deliberate genocide of the Zimbabwean people via sanctions.

The only honourable option left for Brown is to remove the sanctions that he and Blair imposed on Zimbabwe and start immediate dialogue with the government of Zimbabwe.

MDC-T is only a proxy of Britain and has no relevance in the talks between Zimbabwe and Britain.

It is better for Zanu PF to deal directly with the puppet master herself (Britain) rather than waste time and energy discussing the impasse with the puppet (MDC-T).

In the 'New World Order', Britain has been relegated from G7 grouping to G20. At the top of the table are the G2 countries, China and the US. No wonder everyone is looking East now including Britain and the US.

The Orange Revolution of Ukraine (a pet project of the West for regime change purposes) has truly unravelled with the pro-Russian candidate winning the recent presidential elections and the Orange revolutionaries who were shouting for change and reforms five years ago at the height of the Orange Revolution have been booted out unceremoniously due to corruption and mismanagement of the economy.

The West was hoping to repeat the Orange Revolution of Ukraine in Zimbabwe using the MDC-T as its proxy.

In its short time in government, MDC-T has shown that it cannot even manage a local council without fraud and corruption involved.

The colour revolution has failed dismally in Ukraine. The Orange Revolutionaries in Ukraine talked the talk, but failed to walk the walk just like MDC-T in Zimbabwe.

No wonder people are ditching the MDC-T en-masse and rejoining Zanu-PF. They have seen the light.

*Peter Chidemo is an acronym of the writer of this opinion piece. Comments and suggestions should be posted using the form below.

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