
Sunday, February 14, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) President urges Zimbabweans to remain vigilant

President urges Zimbabweans to remain vigilant
Ranganai Chidemo
Sat, 13 Feb 2010 22:24:00 +0000

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe has urged all Zimbabweans to remain vigilant as they take part in the constitutional making process. Addressing an extraordinary session of the Zanu PF Central Committee, President Mugabe said foreigners are trying to take over the constitution–making process so that they can impose their own interests in the final document.

He urged Zimbabweans to ward them off and take ownership of the process. “We have the constitution–making process, which is already underway.

"There are crucial issues to be decided through that process. Persistent attempts by outsiders at influencing matters being handled under the constitution–making process need to be warded off,” said the president.

“What is the interest of these powerful outsiders in the writing of our constitution?"

The president added that Zanu PF has to be the vanguard of the people and has to organise people so that they remain in a state of permanent readiness.

“We have to re–organise all our people so they remain in a state of permanent readiness.”

President Mugabe said for Zanu PF to undertake this onerous task, it has to revamp the “ideological side” of the party that can facilitate this process.

“The ideological side of our party needs revamping so we are able to be a party which defines issues, debates emerging ones, indeed, one which places new matters on the national table,” said the president.

"We are a national party and all our people must identify with the structures we create and persons assigned to man them.

The president urged unity within Zanu PF, saying that divisions within the party send a “negative message in our nation”.

"Once Zanu PF is divided or any of its organs is faulted on whatever grounds, a negative message is transmitted in our nation.

President Mugabe also urged those party members who are motivated by greed to exercise patience and wait for their time to be leaders.

"We cannot be all leaders at one time. What is more, there are no persons who are more leaders than others in the party. What we have are persons wielding higher responsibilities for which more is expected out of them.

"It is a call to serve, never an opportunity for flaunting imagined power. The power rests with the people and the party emerging from the organisation.

"We have huge duties to discharge, bigger battles to fight, great wars to win. And victors do not bicker."

President Mugabe also announced the new Zanu PF Politburo which was deferred at the Fifth National People’s Conference in December 2009 to allow for more consultations.

The Politburo is the highest decision–making body outside the Zanu PF Congress.

Below is the full list of the Heads of Departments, Deputy Heads and Committee members:

Heads of Departments

1. Didymus Mutasa – Secretary for Administration
2. Sithembiso Nyoni – Secretary for Business Development and Liaison
3. Webster Shamu – Secretary for the Commissariat
4. Obert Mpofu – Secretary for Economic Affairs
5. Francis Nhema – Secretary for Environment and Tourism
6. Stan Mudenge – Secretary for External Relations
7. David Karimanzira – Secretary for Finance
8. Abigail Damasane – Secretary for Gender and Culture
9. David Parirenyatwa – Secretary for Health and Child Welfare
10. Saviour Kasukuwere – Secretary for Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment
11. Rugare Gumbo – Secretary for Information and Publicity
12. Ignatius Chombo – Head of Land Reform and Resettlement
13. Emmerson Mnangagwa – Head of Legal Affairs
14. Sydney Sekeramayi – Secretary for National Security
15. Dzikamai Mavhaire – Secretary for Production and Labour
16. Olivia Muchena – Head of Science and Technology
17. Nicholas Goche – Secretary for Transport and Welfare
18. Stanley Sakupwanya – Head of Welfare of the Disabled and Disadvantaged Persons
19. Oppah Muchinguri – Head of Women’s Affairs
20. Absolom Sikhosana – Head of Youth Affairs

Deputy Heads

1. Edson Ncube – Deputy Secretary for Administration
2. James Gumpo – Deputy Secretary for Business Development and Liaison
3. Ephraim Masawi – Deputy Secretary for the Commissariat
4. Joshua Malinga – Deputy Secretary for Disabled and Disadvantaged Persons
5. Kudakwashe Bhasikiti – Deputy Secretary for Economic Affairs
6. Lazarus Dokora – Deputy Secretary for Education
7. Nelson Mawema – Deputy Secretary for Environment and Tourism
8. Abednico Ncube – Deputy Secretary for External Relations
9. Charles Tawengwa – Deputy Secretary for Finance
10. S. Mukusha – Deputy Secretary for Gender and Culture
11. Douglas Mombeshora – Deputy Secretary for Health and Child Welfare
12. Tendai Savanhu – Deputy Secretary for Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment
13. Cain Mathema – Deputy Secretary for Information and Publicity
14. Herbert Murerwa – Deputy Secretary for Land and Resettlement
15. Patrick Chinamasa – Deputy Secretary for Legal Affairs
16. Richard Ndlovu – Deputy Secretary for Production and Labour
17. Patrick Zhuwao – Deputy Secretary for Science and Technology
18. Samuel Mugande – Deputy Secretary for Transport and Welfare
19. Eunice Sandi-Moyo – Deputy Secretary for Women’s Affairs
20. Eddison Chakanyuka – Deputy Secretary for Youth Affairs

Committee Members

1. A. Chimbudzi
2. Angeline Masuku
3. Cephas Msipa
4. Cliveria Chizema
5. Edna Madzongwe
6. Flora Bhuka
7. Jacob Mudenda
8. Josiah Hungwe
9. Khantibai Patel
10. Kumbirai Kangai
11. Munacho Mutezo
12. Naison Ndlovu
13. Nathan Shamuyarira
14. O. Maluleke
15. Solomon Mujuru
16. Thokozile Mathuthu
17. Tshinga Dube
18. Tsitsi Muzenda
19. Victoria Chitepo

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