
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zuma, Mugabe link misunderstood

Zuma, Mugabe link misunderstood
Tue, 09 Feb 2010 23:47:00 +0000

THE naivety of Zimbabwean "opposition politicians" is astounding sometimes. Many of them are blinded by the fact they they read history in reverse. When the MDC-T party heard that Jacob Zuma had won the ANC presidency, they celebrated hoping that this nationalist would "confront" President Mugabe.

Tendai Biti, secretary general of the MDC-T party, said "he knew" Zuma and expected him to tackle President Mugabe. That is still to happen. Infact, President Zuma has called on Biti's boss, Morgan Tsvangirai, to be flexible in negotiations.

How did the MDC-T get it so wrong? It was a combination of naivety and political immaturity.

They read history in reverse.

They should have started in 1959 when Zuma joined the African National Congress at an early age.

Zuma was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment for defying apartheid, and served on Robben Island with Nelson Mandela and other notable ANC leaders who were also imprisoned there.

In Zambia, on his release he was ANC Head of Underground Structures and Chief of the Intelligence Department.

He worked with other nationalists and freedom fighters like President Mugabe, Josiah Tongogara, etc in many places on the continent, including Mozambique.

To expect such a man, and his track record, to forget about the fight to freedom and the comrades he suffered with, is naivety at its worst.

Johnny-Come-Latelies like Biti and his MDC-T friends cannot, and will not understand, the psyche of such a man, unless they appreciate the pain and suffering he went through under a brutal white apartheid regime.

*Comments and suggestions:

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