
Monday, February 22, 2010

TIZ demands public explanation on expenses for Levy’s funeral

TIZ demands public explanation on expenses for Levy’s funeral
By Moses Kuwema
Mon 22 Feb. 2010, 04:01 CAT

TRANSPARENCY International Zambia (TIZ) chapter president Reuben Lifuka has demanded a public explanation on the medical and funeral expenses the late Republican president Levy Mwanawasa.

In a statement, Lifuka noted that TIZ was disturbed to see that the illness and funeral of the late president was used as an opportunity for wanton pillage of national resources.

“There are a number of issues that need full explanation from government. For instance, it was publicly announced that the French government did pick up some costs related to the medical and transportation expenses.

The question is, how much did we receive as support from the French government?” Lifuka asked. “Secondly, numerous companies, institutions and individuals made donations towards the funeral, we would like a full account of how much was donated, materially or financially and how was this utilised? We would like to see a full account of the fuel and we would also want the imprest that still remains outstanding to be recovered immediately.

“Further, we would like the Ministry of Works and Supply to inform the nation probably through the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on where the various materials procured for the funeral are.”

Lifuka also stated that the overpayment made to Southern Cross Motors by the Ministry of Education for the procurement of two trucks by over K180 million needed an explanation.

“We do not believe that Southern Cross did not realise this overpayment and we further find it difficult to understand why a repayment has not been made following this realisation,” he stated. “What is shocking about this whole transaction is that K1,234,063,100 was diverted from procurement of education materials without treasury authority.”

He stated that TIZ would like to see financial irregularities in the procurement of 100 hearses in the Ministry of Local Government and Housing investigated fully and all those involved brought to book regardless of their public standing.

Lifuka stated that the provision of the public finance Act should be followed and the government should as a matter of urgency set up audit committees in each ministry and spending agency.

He stated that TIZ would like to see actions taken against all erring public servants and urged the government to consider legal options as well instead of relying on administrative sanctions alone.

Lifuka demanded that controlling officers whose ministries had gained notoriety in terms of financial irregularities should be relieved of their duties immediately.

He stated that the law enforcement and investigating agencies should take keen interest in the matters that had been highlighted in the 2008 Auditor General’s report.

Lifuka stated that there was too much wastage of public resources and TIZ would like to see a blueprint on how the government and all other stakeholders would reduce this wastage in the coming years.

“We would like to warn that unless practical action is taken on the Auditor General’s report, we risk turning this into nothing else but a public ritual which happens every year and is given 15 minutes of fame,” stated Lifuka.

“The Auditor General’s Report should spur the government into action and see to it that issues raised are dealt with expeditiously. We should stop merely talking about fighting corruption and start taking action against corruption.”

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