
Friday, February 19, 2010

UNZA students mob Sata, force him to address them

UNZA students mob Sata, force him to address them
By Thomas Nsama
Fri 19 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

Sata challenged the MMD government to improve infrastructure at the University of Zambia (UNZA) if they wanted him to obtain a degree from there

SCORES of UNZA students on Wednesday mobbed PF leader Michael Sata after he appeared on a UNZA Radio programme, demanding that he addresses them. And Sata challenged the MMD government to improve infrastructure at the University of Zambia (UNZA) if they wanted him to obtain a degree from there.

As Sata was leaving soon after he finished speaking on UNZA Radio, he found scores of students waiting for him outside the building. The students demanded that Sata goes to the “Monk Square” where their friends had gathered, waiting to be addressed by him.

Sata accepted the students' request and jumped onto a light truck and proceeded to the ‘Monk Square’. When students saw Sata, they shouted the PF slogan, "Pa bwato, pabwato!" - Others shouted, "boma, boma". Sata inspected some rooms at the institution before addressing the students.

Sata told students there was so much talk by the MMD government that he should obtain his degree from the University of Zambia for him to stand as president.

"I am ready to come and obtain a degree at this university, but I would like to urge the MMD government to improve the infrastructure, " Sata said. "How does the MMD government expect our children and leaders to obtain their degrees in a dilapidated university?"

Sata expressed displeasure with the way the government has neglected the university.
"Thank you for allowing me to see some of your rooms and I have seen for myself how you are living at this institution," Sata said. "This university has been neglected by the MMD government and yet its ministers, government officials and the former president graduated from the same university."

Sata said 2011 was the opportunity for Zambians to govern themselves through the PF-UPND Pact.

"All of you register as voters in order to vote yourselves because when you vote for the PF-UPND Pact, you will be voting to govern yourselves, " said Sata.

After addressing the students, Sata quickly jumped into Munali PF member of parliament Mumbi Phiri's Spacio car and left the campus as several students followed behind.

Sata was accompanied by Phiri, Chimwemwe member of parliament Willie Nsanda, and Kanyama member of parliament Col Gerry Chanda.

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