
Thursday, February 04, 2010

Zim govt planning more farm seizures – CFC

Zim govt planning more farm seizures – CFC
By Kingsley Kaswende in Harare, Zimbabwe
Thu 04 Feb. 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe (CFU) has said the Zimbabwean government has targeted to seize 152 farms of the remaining 300 still in the hands of white farmers.

CFU president Deon Theron said yesterday that over 80 farms had been seized since the formation of the inclusive government one year ago. He said the continued farm seizures violated the principles of the Global Political Agreement that established the inclusive government, which called for a stop to land seizures.

“The land invasions have intensified in the past year, with the forced seizure of more than 80 farms since last February. 152 of the 300 farms still in operation are now being targeted for eviction. The CFU deplores the government’s failure to stop the ongoing violence against farmers and their workers, and for allowing a handful of thugs to operate with complete impunity. The ongoing attacks violate the basic principles of the Global Political Agreement (GPA),” Theron said.

“We implore the unity government to take a stand and halt the land invasions, so that we can start the process of rebuilding our agricultural sector for the sake of the entire country.”

Theron’s comments come in the wake of the arrest of two farmers in the remote district of Chipinge south-west of the country, and the conviction of four others for refusing to leave their properties.

The convicted four each received a fine of US $800 and suspended sentences. They were also given ultimatums ranging from one day to one month to leave their farms.
CFU accused a magistrate prosecuting the farmers of being an intended beneficiary of one of the farms.

“CFU is extremely concerned that magistrate Zuze, who is being accused of ‘grossly exceeding his jurisdiction’ is a beneficiary of Jahme’s farm. CFU obtained a copy of an offer letter to Zuze, offering him Jahme’s Newcastle Farm. It is unacceptable for a magistrate to preside over a trial in which he holds a personal stake. Furthermore, before court proceedings had been concluded, supporters and hired thugs were already on two of the farms,” Theron said.

The controversial land seizures of the past 10 years has seen 4,000 farms formerly owned by white farmers being seized for redistribution to landless blacks.

It is this exercise that caused the collapse of Zimbabwe over the last decade. While the Zimbabwean government blames the collapse of the country on sanctions that came as a result of the land seizures as well as chronic droughts, the West blames the country’s collapse on reduced agricultural production by inexperienced farm recipients.

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