
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Catholics cannot be intimidated by cadres - Kasama priests

Catholics cannot be intimidated by cadres - Kasama priests
By George Chellah and Chibaula Silwamba and Masuzyo Chakwe
Sun 28 Mar. 2010, 04:00 CAT

The Catholic Church in Zambia cannot be intimidated by misguided MMD cadres whose actions are de-campaigning President Rupiah Banda, 41 diocesan priests of Kasama Archdiocese have said.

The priests have called on Zambians to dismiss the MMD smear campaign unleashed against the Catholic Church with the contempt it deserves.

In a statement issued at Motomoto Pastoral Centre on behalf of the other priests, Kasama Association of Zambian Diocesan Catholic Clergy (KAZADCC) chairman, Reverend Father Justin Mulenga expressed dissatisfaction with the recent attacks on the Catholic Church in Zambia.

“We, the 41 diocesan priests of Kasama Archdiocese, assembled in Kasama for the meeting of the association of Zambian Diocesan Catholic Clergy this 25th day of March 2010, wish to express our disgust at some of the recent attacks and insults by purported Catholics, MMD cadres and others on the Catholic Church, its bishops and priests,” the statement read in part. “We, accordingly issue the following statement; in the first place, we wish to publicly declare our faith in the Catholic Church, its leadership and indeed its social teaching as regards upholding justice, human rights, peace, development and good governance. As pastors, we have the mandate to preach the good news of Jesus Christ without fear or compromise. We therefore recommit ourselves to stand for the truth and speak for the weak, the poor and the voiceless in our society.

“We wish to clarify that Caritas Kasama and its parent body Caritas Zambia operate under the auspices of the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC). Their mandate is to promote the social teaching of the Catholic Church. It is not an opportunistic body just formed in order to take part in partisan political campaigns. As a matter of fact, Caritas Zambia has been in existence longer than the political parties in the country. Undertaking civic education is a legitimate right that Caritas Zambia will never abrogate. The organisation will continue speaking the truth and helping the poor to make informed decisions on matters affecting them.”

Fr Mulenga stated that the priests protested in the strongest terms the recent stage-managed calls by bribed MMD cadres and marketeers on Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu to resign.

“Those masquerading as members of the Catholic Church when they are actually hired mercenaries should stop their senseless actions forthwith. The Catholic Church in Zambia cannot be intimidated by misguided party cadres whose actions are actually de-campaigning President Rupiah Bwezani Banda and his administration,” Fr Mulenga stated. “It is strange that the MMD top leadership of Hon Michael Mabenga and Hon Katele Kalumba seem to have sanctioned Mr. William Banda’s campaign strategy reminiscent of UNIP in its dying days by remaining silent. We deplore the dirty campaign methods being employed by the MMD in the country especially Lusaka and the Copperbelt and call on the perpetrators to stop poisoning the political atmosphere in the country. Zambia is a free and democratic country, which should not be dragged back to the by-gone days of the one party rule, characterised by manipulation, mud-slinging, character assassination, intolerance and violence.

“We call on our fellow Zambians, Civil Society Organisations, church leaders and all people of goodwill to dismiss the MMD smear campaign unleashed against the Catholic Church with the contempt it deserves. We also advise political parties that ‘those who live in glass houses should not throw stones’. We shall continue to give credit where it is due as well as praying for our mother Zambia. May God bless our beloved country.”

And during the celebration of the Eucharist in Monze, the Pope’s representative in Zambia Archbishop Nicola Girasoli said it was well known and convincing that the Catholic Church was not an association that desired to promote a specific plan or a project.

"Very often we may not be correctly understood in our ministry of evangelisation. But we all know and are convinced that the Catholic Church is not an association that desires to promote a specific plan or a project," he said.

He said the Gospel today reminds people that the ministry consists in two main commitments: to announce the good news of the gospel and to love the poor and the afflicted.

Archbishop Girasoli said the Catholic ministry is more challenging everyday and people expect a lot from them.

"We commit ourselves to be ministers of the gospel and men of the eucharist. Our fidelity to the priestly commitment of celibacy in chastity, as well as detachment from material things will be an eloquent witness to the people of God,” he said. “In our priestly ministry, we are also called not only to serve and love the poor, but also to give voice to voiceless, to be promoter of their rights and to support their expectations."

He said Pope Benedict XVI underlines that in order to be more effective in the ministry, there was need to be non-partisan, which concretely meant that they shall always be on the side of the gospel, and on the side of God.

Archbishop Girasoli said he was aware of the difficulties priests faced in Zambia where they faced a shortage of financial and sometimes even pastoral means.

"But generally, I would say that I am very proud of how committed our priests are here in Monze and more in general in Zambia," he said.
He said without priests, the Catholic Church could not achieve the salvation of souls.

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