
Monday, March 22, 2010

Findlay is a foolish boy - Peter Mumba

Findlay is a foolish boy - Peter Mumba
By George Chellah
Mon 22 Mar. 2010, 04:01 CAT

PETER Mumba yesterday described Terence Findlay as a foolish boy who has been brought up very badly. Reacting to Ndola businessman Findlay's open revelation of his hatred for late president Levy Mwanawasa and the Lamba-speaking people in general to Lusaka lawyer Wynter Kabimba, Mumba who is former energy permanent secretary said the Lamba were very offended by Findlay's outbursts.

“Actually I won't hesitate to say that he is an …… and a foolish boy who has been brought up very badly. How does he bring in the Lambas and the late president in his defilement case?” Mumba asked.

“Because the right people who brought up this issue were the police and not the president and for that matter why should he start talking about the president who is no more?”

He wondered why Findlay did not bring up the matter when president Mwanawasa was still alive if he were courageous and man enough.

“And for the Lambas, it's a pity he actually stays in a Lamba area and then he must start insulting Lambas. Everybody knows that Findlay is a careless chap on the Copperbelt, especially in Ndola we know his lifestyle. That's his nature, that's his character,” Mumba said.

“Findlay has got some property in Lambaland, if he doesn't want to cooperate with Lambas then he can as well leave Lambaland because the Lambas actually have been phoning me and they are very upset. So Findlay should actually go to his village if he has a village at all.”

He maintained that Findlay should not drag the Lamba people into issues of defilement.

“We shouldn't be brought into this. If he has a bone to chew with Honourable George Mpombo he should actually confine his statement to Honourable Mpombo and not to generalise and include the late president and the Lambas,” Mumba said.

“He should actually watch his movements in Lambaland because they are very upset. Actually an apology is required from him and if he doesn't do so the people of Lambaland will decide what next.”

He questioned the reasoning of people who considered Findlay for leadership.

“He is not fit to be a leader. I don't even know how those who think he can be a leader think,” Mumba said.

Copperbelt Province UPND chairperson Elisha Matambo, who is also Lamba, said Findlay's remarks confirmed President Rupiah Banda and former president Frederick Chiluba's hatred for president Mwanawasa and the Lambas in general.

“Rupiah Banda and the government have been insulting the Lamba people for a long time. Findlay is an agent of Chiluba and Chiluba is an agent of Rupiah. He came here to campaign for Rupiah and he was going round with Findlay. So since Findlay has said he hates Levy and Lambas it confirms that Rupiah through Findlay and Chiluba hate Lamba people so much,” said Matambo.

“That's a serious insult on Lamba people. We demand for an apology from Findlay within 48 hours. If he doesn't we will organise serious demonstrations. We are meeting right now as Lambas, we will not let him operate freely if he doesn't withdraw the statement or apologise.

We will demonstrate and make his stay on the Copperbelt very difficult. We don't even know if this chap has a village. We will make his stay very difficult if he doesn't apologise. He amassed all that wealth from here with resources from Lambaland.”

And Lambas in chief Mushili's area asked Findlay to apologise over his hatred for them.

In a statement, Lamba organising committee vice chairperson Mandela Nkole stated that Findlay's hatred for Lambas was childish and retrogressive.

Nkole said Lambas voted for Findlay as Copperbelt MMD chairperson but they did not know his hidden hatred for them.

Nkole said Findlay's differences with Mpombo were personal.

“Findlay should apologise to Lambas or vacate from Lamba territory where he owns and runs Crown Breweries. He is selling his beer to the same Lambas he hates,” he said.

Nkole said tribal politics were dirty and should be discouraged.

Findlay last Wednesday openly revealed his hatred for late president Mwanawasa and the Lamba people in general to Kabimba.

This was after the trial of Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament Mpombo at Ndola magistrates' court.

Mpombo is alleged to have issued a cheque of K10 million to Findlay on an insufficiently funded account.

Mpombo narrated that he learnt of Findlay's outbursts through Kabimba who is part of his defence team, immediately after the court adjourned about midday.

“I am extremely flabbergasted and shocked by the scum of the politics Mr Findlay is trying to exhibit just to get at me for no apparent reason,” said Mpombo.

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