Monday, March 01, 2010

‘Formation of C/Belt MMD task force is confirmation of failure’

‘Formation of C/Belt MMD task force is confirmation of failure’
By Kabanda Chulu in Kitwe
Mon 01 Mar. 2010, 06:00 CAT

THE PF-UPND pact says the formation of the MMD Task Force on the Copperbelt is a confirmation of failure and loss of confidence in the Joseph Chilambwe-led provincial executive committee.

But Copperbelt MMD Task Force chairperson Joe Malanji denied the assertions and said that the party is working as a group to activate party functions at all levels.

Commenting on the formation of the MMD Task Force on the Copperbelt that was launched at Mulundu Farm bloc in Mufulira, UPND national youth chairperson Joe Kalusa said a Task Force is constituted when there is a crisis.

“This simply shows that they are panicking and it is an acknowledgement of failure on their part and for them to form a parallel structure to the provincial executive committee is a confirmation and loss of confidence in the Chilambwe executive that they have failed to run the Copperbelt and the country as a whole,” Kalusa said. “Why having a Task Force when there is an executive committee and does it mean Chilambwe’s executive has failed them hence bringing outsiders like Malanji and others?”

And PF Copperbelt chairperson Mwenya Musenge said it was a waste of time for anyone to think of resuscitating the MMD in the region.

“We are in command and even those people in rural districts who used to sympathise with the MMD have changed and right now we are busy reorganising the pact to strengthen it further in readiness for 2011 elections,” said Mwenya.

But Malanji said the Task Force was geared to strengthen the party towards the 2011 elections.

“It is not true that we are running parallel structures in the Copperbelt and the main objective of the Task Force is to activate party functions and we are working as a group starting from the lower organs up to the chairman,” said Malanji.

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