
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Former MP accuses MMD of politicising CEEC funds

Former MP accuses MMD of politicising CEEC funds
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Tue 16 Mar. 2010, 03:00 CAT

FORMER Chipangali member of parliament Lucas Phiri has accused the MMD of politicising the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) funds. In an interview over the weekend Phiri, who is also Patriotic Front (PF) member of the central committee, said the MMD had abused the CEEC which had good intentions.

“You know the Constituency Development Fund is continuously abused by the MMD because they involve cadres who later on politicize it.

Now there is CEEC which is also politicised. Most of the beneficiaries of this funding are MMD women clubs and some MPs’ wives are busy controlling everything," Phiri said.

He advised the people who wanted to apply for CEEC funds to do so without political interference.

"You should not be cheated by MMD that can be given money because of the MP or because of MMD, no. That money is supposed to be given to people who want to help themselves and pay back without looking at the face of a politician or whatsoever.

MMD wants to mislead you on this point," said Phiri. “What MMD is doing here in Eastern Province, here in Chipata they go to Mchini compound, Nabvutika compound, going to our villages and cheat people that MMD has set aside funds for women clubs or the youths, that's a blue lie.

These monies are for everybody but if what is happening continues we are going to ask donors to stop funding the CEEC until after the elections next year when there is change of government.”

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