Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fr Bwalya writes First lady Thandiwe

Fr Bwalya writes First lady Thandiwe
By Zumani Katasefa in Kitwe
Tue 30 Mar. 2010, 04:02 CAT

CHANGE Life Zambia (CLZ) executive director Fr Frank Bwalya has asked first lady Thandiwe Banda to ask President Banda to cut down on his trips abroad and reserve the savings as money for transport for released prisoners.

In his open letter to Thandiwe reflecting on his stay at Kamfinsa State Prison where he was detained for allegedly distributing red cards against President Banda's administration, Fr Bwalya observed that prisoners were going through serious difficulties which the government should look into urgently.

“Madam first lady, please be informed that when prisoners are released, they are not given transport money to go back to their homes. Some of them get stranded and start begging for transport money. Kindly ask your husband to cut down on trips abroad and allow relevant authorities allocate some of the savings to prisons as transport money for prisoners when they are released,” stated Fr Bwalya.

He asked Thandiwe to plead with President Banda to ensure that prisoners have basic necessities they are entitled to such as clean water, food, proper healthcare and beddings.

“As a mother of the nation, I urge you in the name of Jesus our Lord to convince your husband to pardon terminally ill inmates, especially those with little hope of surviving. I visited at least two of such ailing inmates,” Fr Bwalya stated.

“I also urge you to speak for those taking ARVs so that they can have required food supplements.”

He said that many prisoners at Kamfinsa State Prison are still mourning late president Levy Mwanawasa.

“Please, let your husband know that many prisoners at Kanfinsa State Prison are still mourning late president Dr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa SC, may his soul rest in peace, who they describe as a good man. They told me that Dr Mwanawasa regularly pardoned prisoners that had served the greater part of their long prison sentences. They convinced me that many inmates that had spent many years in prison had reformed and needed to be pardoned after remaining with a few years to finish their terms. Unfortunately, since your husband came to power after hoodwinking Zambians that he would maintain the legacy of Levy, he has not shown the same love and compassion towards prisoners that deserve pardon throughout the country. Instead your husband has been pardoning those with shorter sentences who return to jail for similar offences shortly after being released,” he stated.

Fr Bwalya stated President Banda was labelled as a defender of the rich that had money to buy their innocence and freedom. He further stated that President Banda was also disparaged as a committed advocate and protector of one unrepentant serial plunderer of public funds.

“Many prisoners wondered how some of their colleagues found themselves in jail for stealing a tin of shoe polish or toothpaste while somebody who had stolen millions of US dollars continued to enjoy eating cake at state banquets. They wondered how a certain white man who brutally murdered a defenceless Zambian woman in 2005 was pardoned and released this year after serving only about five years in prison. This prompted me to start asking some prisoners about the offences they committed and how long they had stayed in prison. I cried as I listened to their testimonies and I convinced myself about the significance of the Red Card. Indeed the Red Card that your husband fears like death is a sum total of the frustrations of millions of Zambians,” read Fr Bwalya's letter.

“Dear Madam First Lady, please understand that the point is not that prisoners that committed grave crimes should be pardoned and released. Not at all! The issue is that there seems to be a different law for the rich and powerful who enjoy the favour of your husband and his government. Convicts that committed similar offences to the said white man continue to languish in jail having served far more years. In fact, some prisoners that committed less serious crimes have stayed in prison beyond six years. So you can understand why the Red Card Campaign has found fertile ground.”

Fr Bwalya had vowed to write open letters to Thandiwe to influence her husband whom he said was hard of hearing.

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