
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Govt doing better in reduction of infant mortality, says Dr Musonda

Govt doing better in reduction of infant mortality, says Dr Musonda
By Mwala Kalaluka
Sun 21 Mar. 2010, 03:40 CAT

HEALTH deputy minister Dr Solomon Musonda has said the government is doing much better towards the reduction of infant mortality cases.

Dr Musonda said during a question for oral answer session in Parliament on Wednesday that the immunisation of children had assisted in the reduction of infant mortality rates as compared to the previous years.

He was responding to a question from Ndola Central PF parliamentarian Mark Mushili, who wanted to know the government’s progress in terms of attaining the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on maternal and infant mortality.

Dr Musonda said the major cause of maternal mortality was not the absence of communication facilities in the country’s health centres but the tendency by some women of delivering at home due to not attending proper antenatal clinics in some cases.

Dr Musonda explained that maternal mortality was the death of a mother some 42 days after delivery and that it had established that 43 per cent of expectant mothers delivered from home.

In response to Chilubi PF parliamentarian Obbius Chisala, he said over 1,000 maternal deaths were recorded in five of the country’s provinces from January 2007 to December 2009.

Dr Musonda said 221 maternal deaths were recorded in Northern Province, East 338 and North Western 99 during the period under review.

“The greatest reason why we have these maternal deaths is people not coming to health institutions,” he said. “We need to sensitise the community to make sure that they deliver in our health centres, which is quite safe.”

Dr Musonda said another contributing factor to the number of maternal deaths was the weak abortion legislation.

This was after Luapula PF parliamentarian Peter Machungwa asked whether the government had any immediate plans to amend the legislation on abortion.

“The termination of pregnancy Act I think that was done in 1972 was… that the termination of pregnancy can only be done under general anesthesia,” Dr Musonda said. “Three doctors have to confirm of which one of them should be a specialist.”

Dr Musonda said Zambia had very few specialists making it difficult for women to have legal and safer abortions.

“It is something that we are working on,” Dr Musonda said.

On infant mortality rate, Dr Musonda said the current infant mortality rate for the country stood at 70 per 1,000 live births.

He said the infant mortality rate per province was as follows: Central 64, Copperbelt 79, Eastern 82, Luapula 97, Lusaka 85, Northern 94, North Western 65, Southern 64 and Western 97.

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