
Monday, March 01, 2010

Lusaka MMD seeks funds from businessmen

Lusaka MMD seeks funds from businessmen
By Fridah Zinyama
Mon 01 Mar. 2010, 05:10 CAT

THE ruling MMD in Lusaka is soliciting for funds from Zambian businessmen of Asian origin following the party’s failure to raise the K30 million needed to assist Lusaka Central Constituency organise the party in logistics towards the Presidential card renewal exercise.

According to a letter dated February 18 and signed by Lusaka Central Constituency secretary a V.M Kakomoka, the party was soliciting for money to carter for logistics like transport during the Presidential card renewal exercise slated for Mulungushi International Conference Centre on March 25.

“We have on our own failed to raise enough toward this mammoth event, hence relying on our friends of the party. The list of those who will assist will be brought to the attention of the higher authority for general thanking. Your earlier response to our request will be highly appreciated,” the letter read in part.

But some businessmen complained that they were being targetted and their businesses threatened with closure by the ruling MMD officials.

“They came last week with a list of all businesses in Lusaka Central. You give them money and you sign against your company. It’s like we are back in the UNIP days. Some of our colleagues are giving them money but there is even no accountability. Just to go and attend a card renewal, they need K30 million. Why not walk? My employees walk from Garden to town but they MMD don’t want to walk,” complained one businessman.

“They cannot fix the roads in Lusaka. We have pools of water right in our shops but they are busy haunting us for money. This is wrong. Please help us.”

However, Lusaka Central Constituency vice-chairman Albert Bwalya denied only targeting Zambians of Asian origin in its fundraising venture towards the card renewal exercise.

“It is not true that we are only targeting Zambians of Asian origin. The wording of the letter is not limited to a particular community, even you as The Post can assist us with funds if you want,” he said.

Bwalya said people just liked distorting information, which had led to them saying that MMD was only targeting the Asian community.

“We will be meeting again on Monday (today) to see how much has been raised and the way forward,” said Bwalya.

But Lusaka Province MMD chairman William Banda expressed ignorance about the fundraising venture targeting the Asian community in Zambia.

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