
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) MDC says reports of Zanu-PF violence untrue

COMMENT - When is the west going to admit that 99% of what is being said against Zimbabwe and ZANU-PF is propaganda? When are the propagandists going to lose their jobs?

MDC says reports of Zanu-PF violence untrue
By: TH-tzg
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 12:54 am

THE Minister of State in the Organ for National Healing, Reconciliation and Integration Sekai Holland has dismissed reports that Zanu-PF is involved in violence around the country and that bases have been set up for for purposes of violence against MDC-T supporters.

Internet media reports had claimed that Zanu-PF had set up bases in Masvingo, Mashonaland East and Central in "in preparation for anticipated elections".

A report by pirate radio station SW Radio Africa concluded: "Right now ZANU PF is busy oiling its violence machinery. (Zanu-PF is) threatening people that if they don't support the Kariba draft they would revert to the 2008 disturbances."

Such statements have now been dismissed as hogwash by the MDC-T minister. Addressing delegates who attended a public lecture organised by the MDC-T on Monday, Mrs Holland said Government had not seen the "bases" when they visited the provinces.

She said: "We went to Muzarabani and spent the whole day there and there were no bases at all. There was no beating up of people.

"During this transition there have just been flashes of violence but not hardcore violence. There is no organised violence in Muzarabani as had been reported."

The minister said that the Organ had done a "splendid" job in bringing healing to the people.

She said the formation of the inclusive Government had seen a drop in reports of political violence.

"The issue of national healing is for everyone to take part in. People should not leave the responsibility to the Organ only but assist in calming tempers when they are about to degenerate into violence.

"The Organ has achieved a lot since its formation but we need to put our heads together as the people and advise on what needs to be done.

"This Organ will not deal with symptoms of violence but the source as we thrive to make sure we bring unity and cohesion among our people," MrsHolland said.

There were cases of politically motivated violence in the run-up to the March 2008 harmonised elections and June 27 runoff, which the main political parties — Zanu-PF, MDC-T and MDC — collectively accepted culpability in a Memorandum of Association signed prior to the formation of the inclusive Government.

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