Monday, March 29, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) Nawakwi is a desperate politician, says Kawana

Nawakwi is a desperate politician, says Kawana
Monday, March 29, 2010, 7:40

THE African Institute for Democracy and Good Governance (AIDGG) has described Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi as a desperate politician who has allegedly failed to run her party leading to calls for her removal by members.

AIDGG spokesperson Thabo Kawana also charged that Ms Nawakwi expected an appointment for supporting President Rupiah Banda’s candidature during the 2008 Presidential by-election.

Mr Kawana yesterday said it had now become evident through statements the FDD president was issuing against President Banda and Government that Ms Nawakwi supported the MMD in 2008 in anticipation of an appointment.

Mr Kawana said in an interview that Ms Nawakwi should instead concentrate on building what he called her diminished political party than resorting to attacking President Banda.

He said currently, Ms Nawakwi was running the party with dissatisfied membership which had seen no value in her, leading to the call for the party vice-president Chifumu Banda to take over.

“What Ms Nawakwi is doing is just sour grapes because she expected an appointment after supporting President Banda in 2008.

“What she needs to do is to concentrate on building her political party which is now almost defunct.

“She should remember that she has a dissatisfied membership which has seen no value in her, hence the calls for the party’s vice-president to take over,” Mr Kawana said..

And Forum for Leadership Search executive director Edwin Lifwekelo said Ms Nawakwi lacked the vision and direction in terms of adding value to the Zambian political scene.

“What Ms Nawakwi is doing is just sour grapes because she expected an appointment after supporting President Banda in 2008.Mr Lifwekelo said it was shameful that Ms Nawakwi could choose to misdirect her energies towards insulting President Banda at the expense of re-organising her political party.

“FDD is currently suffering and if it was not for Chifumu Banda and Newton Ng’uni, the party would have crumbled a long time ago. Ms Nawakwi has become a liability even in FDD itself. Infact, the members should kick her out and allow Mr Banda to take over as party president.

“In short, she lacks vision, direction and even the capacity in terms of adding value in politics,” he said.

He said the FDD leader had not provided any solutions apart from showing her negative character by issuing statements that were exposing the kind of leadership.

He urged Ms Nawakwi to exercise humility like in her days as a marketeer way back.

Mr Lifwekelo said the inconsistency Ms Nawakwi, who could be reached for a comment, had shown from the time she supported President Banda to date, was evident enough that she was not a capable leader.

[Times of Zambia]

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