
Friday, March 19, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) The Opposing view to the Red Card Revolution

The Opposing view to the Red Card Revolution
Friday, March 19, 2010, 10:09

Citizens Forum executive director Simon Kabanda talking about the arrest and detention of controversial catholic priest Frank Bwalya

WHEN Father Frank Bwalya convened a conference at Buchi Hall in Kitwe dubbed “Save Zambia Campaign’’ and made radical resolutions to embark on a nation-wide campaign against President Rupiah Banda’s Government and the MMD, he expected immediate protestations from the MMD. When there was no threat, he could not believe his luck.

The resolutions appear to be an open demand for a regime change. It is for this reason that the now expanded 11 consortia of civil society organisations (CSOs) are demanding for a security meeting with Minister of Home Affairs, Lameck Mangani. They hope that they would be allowed to conduct a revolution with the blessing of the law and with the blessing of the Government that their campaign intends to topple!

Many might not see this campaign for what it is but Father Bwalya’s own resolutions provide a window to their intentions. And the apparent presence of the Catholic Church through its NGOs does raise eyebrows.

The resolutions call for the removal of President Rupiah Banda and the MMD from office for three chief reasons they allege;

1) Tolerance for Corruption and President Rupiah Banda’s “Political marriage” with former President Frederick Chiluba

2) Failure to enact a good Constitution and the need to abolish the National Constitution Conference (NCC)

3) To remove the culture of bad laws such as the NGO Bill

The action by the CSOs is unprecedented as they are treading on dangerous grounds that are pioneering regime change through methods of civil disobedience.

The Orange Revolution in Georgia seems to be the template they are using where lawyers and members of NGOs embarked on a nation-wide campaign against authorities and eventually forced a government out of office and the early elections that ensued allowed their candidate to take over.


The forces aligned against the MMD are desperate for change of Government. They have created an environment of limited faith in the electoral process and they have perceived that individuals competing against President Rupiah Banda provide no discernible hope. In 2006, there appeared to have been the greatest opportunity to beat the MMD at the elections.

Many contend that Michael Sata beat Mwanawasa at the elections but Sata sold the presidency to forces that he had antagonised; the British (with his Mugabe invitation), the Chinese (with threats of chasing them) and the business and corporate world (for his brash and anti-business tendencies).

Although the PF/UPND Pact appears strong to take over power from the MMD, the campaigners hope that numerous activities should be embarked upon that strongly unite and rally citizens against the MMD so that this is made possible. The 2008 elections provided another window of change. But the MMD candidate Rupiah Banda was a man of superior qualities to their leader. He was affable, educated and promoted unity, reconciliation and peace.

The Zambians, business and the donor communities loved and preferred Rupiah Banda to Michael Sata. It is for this reason that the campaigns against Mr Banda have since targeted the strong qualities that made him win the 2008 elections. A sustained campaign has been spearheaded that consistently depicts him as corrupt, intolerant and a tourist to render him weak and unelectable at the next polls.

Why the Red Card revolution

The 2001 Green Ribbon Campaign (GRC) against former president Frederick Chiluba was legal and successful for the simple reason that it sought to protect the Constitution against possible selfish amendments. This campaign instead, seeks to remove a legitimate and elected government from office using civil disobedience. The methods might appear peaceful and harmless but history shows that they are very effective tools. The collective power of the people cannot be underestimated and is superior to any Constitution and the Law.

While the Green Ribbon Campaign sought to uphold the Constitution, this campaign aims to break it and breed an escalating crisis upon the nation where Banda’s Government will be forced to call for an early election (while facing a Red Card) or weaken him so much that his image and that of the MMD will be synonymous with a red card at the 2011 election.

So who do they want to replace the MMD with? Who do they want to replace Banda with? Zambia is a democracy. It has a scheduled election in 2011, why would CSOs embark on activities that are designed to undermine elections? Why would CSOs start proceedings that might promote the break-down of the law if they are promoting good governance in the country?

The NCC has provided the greatest danger for them. They claim that the NCC has undermined and reversed the democratic process of Zambia. The NCC might bar their candidate through the degree clause. The NCC has further weakened the pact with their dismissal of the clause for the running mate. The NCC has also closed an opportunity for the Christian declaration (which the Catholic and their NGOs oppose) to be expunged from the Constitution. The NCC has refused to adopt gay rights and gay marriages. In their view, the NCC has also diluted fundamental rights of NGOs and other societies. But should this be the cause for such a campaign that clearly borders on treason?

Is the NCC and Constitution-making process so closed that it does not provide an opportunity for dialogue, for amendments, or for debate?
Yet the NCC has avenues for public debate beyond its members. The NCC also has stages such as the referendum and Parliament, legal and legitimate bodies to handle outstanding issues.

Demonstrations, protests and public rallies

The campaign is designed to be ‘’peaceful’’ and legal. It will purport to be constitutional and follow the law while galvanising citizens against the MMD. The leaders will be quick to disown flare up events. The campaign is now moving into phase two. This phase will consist of public protests, demonstrations and rallies. The leaders are even bracing themselves for arrests. They intend to hold rallies, demonstrations and protests even without the cooperation of the police.

The civil society groupings have now grown from four to eight. This now said to include Change Life Zambia, Civil Society Trade Network, Citizens Forum, Caritas Zambia, Anti Voter Apathy, and Zambia Council for Social Development, Transparency International, and Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolutions, Forum for Democratic Process, and National Youth Association in the Fight Against Corruption.

The CSOs have notified the police that they intend to hold a public rally on March 27 at Mutambe Grounds in Mandevu to publicise their intended goals. The CSO feel that an opportunity has arisen that will help them re-establish themselves and force a formidable movement of Zambians against the MMD.


This campaign is outside the realms of democratic activities. They appear to be aimed at collapsing a legitimate and elected government using civil disobedience. The action by the CSOs brings the question of what the role of NGOs in a Democracy is in sharp focus.

The CSOs in Zambia seem to be groping in the dark and in their firm belief that they ought to promote good governance but are instead breaking the highest law in the land. Anyone, who threatens the peace, order and security of this country, should be stopped.

You cannot break the Constitution using the Constitution! You cannot embark on a programme whose sole purpose is to remove a legitimate and elected government and justify such an action because you are using peaceful means!

Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and other proponents of civil disobedience and peaceful methods proposed such campaigns against dictatorships, illegitimate, tyrannical and illegal governments that subjugated citizens and provided no forums such as elections for citizens to express and participate in civic and national affairs.

Why should this group proceed with such activities against the Government recently elected and is due for scrutiny in the 2011 Elections?

Why don’t they take their wisdom to opposition political parties who are mandated by law to contest for elections? Or better still why don’t they form their own their political party?

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