
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

MMD Bulaya councillor resigns to join UPND

MMD Bulaya councillor resigns to join UPND
By Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Wed 03 Mar. 2010, 03:20 CAT

MMD Bulaya Ward councillor Mwansa Kunda has resigned from the ruling party to join the UPND. In an interview after his release on bail from Kamfinsa State Prison where he was remanded for two weeks, Kunda advised Lufwanyama member of parliament Dr Lwipa Puma to learn to appreciate those that put him where he is.

Kunda was remanded after the immigration department arrested him on grounds that he was a Congolese national who stayed in Zambia illegally.

He recently appeared in the Kitwe magistrates’ court and pleaded not guilty to one count of unlawful stay in Zambia contrary to section 23 (3) of the immigration and deportation Act Cap 123 of the Laws of Zambia as read with section 30(1) of Act number 25 of 1997.

Kunda was granted a K2 million cash bail with two working sureties but bail conditions were only met yesterday.

“I can’t say much. I campaigned very hard for Dr Puma and I don’t deserve to be treated in this manner… I can’t say much. I have resigned from MMD and joined UPND. Even my family can’t allow me to continue being in MMD,” he said.

“You can’t take someone to prison. Taking someone to prison is as good as killing him.”

Kunda declared that he would re-contest the Bulaya ward seat on the UPND ticket and rated his chances of scooping it as high.

He said MMD’s chances of retaining the ward were very slim adding that: “If a crocodile tells you that the hippo is sick, you’ve got to believe it because the crocodile lives in water together with the hippo.”

He complained that his stay in prison was not easy especially that he left his family suffering.

“Kwali ukusampa ifyakulya nokusumwa ne nda (We were scrambling for food and being bitten by lice – in Kamfinsa prison),” Kunda added.

He said no MMD member visited him for the period he was in prison.
He charged that Dr Puma was not a good leader because he always kept grudges.

Kunda said whenever Dr Puma was advised about something during council meetings, he always took it personal.

Meanwhile, Kunda urged other politicians to be brave and brace themselves for political persecutions.
And Kunda’s wife, Mirriam, supported her husband.

And UPND Lufwanyama District chairman Justin Mwalikwa welcomed Mwansa’s resignation from MMD and pledged to support him.

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