
Friday, March 26, 2010

MMD MPs reject motion on streamlining health services

MMD MPs reject motion on streamlining health services
By Ernest Chanda
Fri 26 Mar. 2010, 09:30 CAT

MMD parliamentarians on Wednesday rejected a motion that sought to streamline the provision of health services in the country.

The motion moved by Lubanseshi PF member of parliament Lazarous Chota would have compelled the government to ensure that all districts in the country get quality health services.

Leading the assault on the motion, health deputy minister Dr Solomon Musonda said there was nothing new it would bring other than what the government was already doing.

“The motion is too wide and it's a non-starter because it's just talking about what the government is doing right now. There is no way you can talk about streamlining the provision of health services when we are already providing quality services. It seems to some honourable members, delivery of health care system is only about drugs. But there are many other issues involved in heath care other than drugs. I urge the honourable members to reject this motion because it is a non-starter,” debated Dr Musonda.

His view was supported by science and technology minister Dr Brian Chituwo who argued that there was nothing new the motion would bring.

But in supporting the motion, Kalomo UPND member of parliament Request Muntanga reminded Dr Musonda that it was not a fight between the MMD and the people.

“Streamlining does not mean that nothing is being done. It means something is being done, but that there is more that needs to be done. It was too early for the deputy minister to call for the withdrawal of this motion. This should not be a fight between the ruling party and the people,” Muntanga debated.

“There are certain health services that are not being provided to the people even in his own constituency, Chitambo. In fact, since the deputy minister is a qualified medical doctor, he should not have come here to debate. He should have gone out there to treat people. I would also like to find out from this government how much we are doing to ensure we continue giving free ARVs to the 250, 000 patients receiving that drug? I ask this question bearing in mind that next year donor money channeled towards this programme will have finished.”

Chilubi PF member of parliament Obbie Chisala argued that the problems being talked about in the health system were real.

“And it pains me to hear the deputy minister underplay these problems we are talking about. Issues raised in this motion are real; and most of them are caused by a lack of unqualified man power in most health centres,” said Chisala.

The motion was rejected after 71 members voted against it as opposed to the 39 in support.

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