
Sunday, March 28, 2010

MMD suspends Mpombo

MMD suspends Mpombo
By George Chellah
Sun 28 Mar. 2010, 04:02 CAT

The MMD has suspended George Mpombo for allegedly involving himself in activities inimical to the party. But Mpombo yesterday vowed to fight the MMD’s mischievous activities to the bitter end.

In a letter to Mpombo dated March 23, 2010, which was copied to President Rupiah Banda and MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga, Dr Kalumba listed the charges leveled against Mpombo. He stated that Mpombo would remain suspended until the national executive committee (NEC) presided on the matter.

“I write to inform you that you are liable for disciplinary action and in pursuance of Regulations 3 of the MMD Disciplinary Regulations of 1993 the following charges are hereby being preferred against you,” Dr Kalumba stated.

“First charge; contravention of the provisions of the party constitution, regulations, rules orders or decisions contrary to regulation 7(a) of the 1993 Disciplinary Regulations…in that, you have since February 2009 conducted yourself in a manner prejudicial and inimical to the aspirations of the party by engaging yourself in the issuance of contemptuous and disparaging statements both in the electronic and print media against; (a) the party and republican President His Excellency Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda (b) senior MMD party officials and (c) the MMD party in general.”

Dr Kalumba further stated: “Second charge; conduct likely to bring the name of the party into contempt, ridicule or disrepute contrary to Regulation 7 (b) of the 1993 Disciplinary Regulations…in that, you have since February, 2009, publicly connived and or supported some known opposition political parties, selective media and NGOs to tarnish the image of the party and further that you have recently been involved in and or publicly supported the Red Card campaign and which campaign is likely not only to embarrass the party but also to create anarchy in the country.

“Third charge; Disobedience to orders, directives or instructions of any party organ or officials duly authorised to do so contrary to Regulations 7(f) of the 1993 Disciplinary Regulations…in that, you have not heeded the orders, directives and instructions of the various organs and officials of the party such as the Kafulafuta constituency committee, Masaiti district committee, Copperbelt provincial committee, the national chairman and the national secretary to desist from making disparaging remarks against the party and the republican President Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, senior party officials and the party in general.

“Fourth charge; insubordination to senior organs or officials contrary to Regulation 7(g) of the 1993 Disciplinary Regulations…in that, you have since February 2009 insubordinated yourself to senior party organs and officials by consistently and arrogantly rejecting their orders, directives and instructions to stop making disparaging remarks against the party and republican President Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, senior party officials and the party in general with a view to weakening the party and agitating for the downfall of the MMD government. In view of the aforesaid, you are hereby suspended from the party pending determination by the National Executive Committee (NEC). In accordance with Regulation 9(2) of the MMD Disciplinary Regulations of 1993, you are hereby requested to submit to the undersigned your written exculpatory statement within ten (10) days from the date of receipt of this letter. I shall thereupon cause the constitution of the NEC disciplinary committee to adjudicate over your matter as per regulation of the disciplinary regulations – 1993.”

However, Mpombo - who is also former defence minister – yesterday said he was not moved or intimidated by the suspension.

“To me, this represents a moral equivalent of a war and I will fight their activities to the bitter end. I am consulting my lawyers to understand the implication of this mischievous move. But I am ready. I am very ready for anything. Even going for an election, I am totally ready. I am ready in the constituency Kafulafuta,” Mpombo said.

He said it was clear that MMD was misled.

“They don’t know what they are trying to do and the implications of their actions. They are being misled by Copperbelt MMD provincial chairperson Joseph Chilambwe who is very very unpopular. Chilambwe has no constituency in Luanshya… in Roan he has failed several times and he has no credibility or influence. But we can easily prove them wrong to show that they are using very defective methods of running the party,” Mpombo said.

“This also goes to show that Terence Findlay’s recent outbursts where he displayed corrosive hatred for the late president Levy Mwanawasa and the Lamba-speaking people in general was deep-rooted. This action confirms that Findlay wasn’t alone when he said that. But if they want to force a by-election, let them go ahead and the people of Lambaland and Kafulafuta in particular, whom they hate so much will respond to that election with a very loud and convincing voice through the ballot. Tell them that I am more than ready for them in Kafulafuta if that’s the route they want to take!”

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