Monday, March 15, 2010

Nyirongo warns incoming UNZASU against selling out to politicians

Nyirongo warns incoming UNZASU against selling out to politicians
By Sydney Mungala
Mon 15 Mar. 2010, 08:10 CAT

OUTGOING University of Zambia Students Union (UNZASU) president Duncan Nyirongo has said politicians take advantage of the students’ vulnerability in abusing them. Nyirongo advised candidates standing for union presidency to guard against political forces that may want to sponsor candidates to advance their interests.

“One foolish thing is that these politicians will always use the poverty that they have created to champion their cause. They will always promise candidates of employment after they graduate from UNZA, but they would not get to do so because they would have known one’s weakness,” Nyirongo said.

He said as politicians geared for the 2011 elections, UNZASU would be a prime target for manipulation.
Nyirongo said during his tenure, there were politicians who worked hard to win him over through corrupt means but he stood his ground.

“2011 will be a national election year, and assembling of campaign teams by various political parties is already underway. UNZASU is always the prime target of many politicians as they are aware of the driving force imbedded in it,” Nyirongo said.

“Many political parties will try to sponsor candidates standing for various positions in the union so that when elected to the executive, they would be used to champion the party’s agenda. I, therefore, urge all the aspiring candidates to prove their integrity even in the run-up to the elections, which are scheduled for the 25th March, 2010. I have had pressure from politicians who wanted to work with me, but with time, the gravity of this pressure reduced as many of them got to prove my immunity to political manipulation.”

Nyirongo advised the youth to set high leadership standards for themselves.

“My advice to students, the youth, and the rest of the Zambians is to set standards for the kind of leadership we want for the country. It breaks my heart to see the same poor people being paraded to sing praises for former leaders that inflicted economic pain on them. These are the same leaders that went to an extent of manipulating constitutions for the sake of prolonging their stay in office,” he said.

Nyirongo added: “Imagine how disciplined the current leadership would have been if they knew for sure that Zambians would shun them if they abused the authority vested in them, if they knew that Zambians would vote them out if they fail to live up to their promises.”

Nyirongo also warned leaders hoping to count on corrupt UNZASU support to be wary of weaker elements that may even weaken them.

“If one could be paid to weaken UNZASU, what will stop them from receiving money in exchange of sensitive information at State House? You may wonder how sensitive information leaks from these government departments. It is due to such people that lack any moral fibre,” he said.

Nyirongo said he was not in the habit of seeking favours and had no worries about his future as he had provided honest leadership.

“I am confident that though I am yet to be employed or be self-employed, after I graduate in May this year, my job prospects are brighter. Hard work can take you to the helm of success, but only integrity will keep you afloat,” said Nyirongo.

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