
Friday, March 26, 2010

PATH-Zambia urges scaling up malaria prevention, control

PATH-Zambia urges scaling up malaria prevention, control
By Sandra Lombe
Fri 26 Mar. 2010, 04:00 CAT

PATH-Zambia vice-president Dr Ayorinde Ajayi has said scaling up malaria prevention and control services should remain a priority for the government.

And health deputy minister Dr Solomon Musonda said progress in fighting malaria had been recorded due to increased financial resources, strengthened partnership, and intensified implementation of interventions, sustained communication and strong government commitment.

Speaking yesterday during the official opening of the 2010 Malaria Indicator Survey Training (MIS) at Barn Motel, Dr Ajayi said despite all efforts being made malaria remains a challenge.

"Scaling up malaria prevention and control services therefore should to remain a top priority for the ministry of health," he said.

Dr Ajayi said Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) and Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS), malaria diagnostic and treatment commodities must continue to be purchased in large amounts over the next five years.

He said fighting malaria must move forward using community health workers and strengthening testing and treatment in health facilities.

And Dr Solomon Musonda said the government had priotised malaria in its national health strategic plan.

He said despite the success achieved so far in the fight against malaria, many Zambians were still afflicted by the disease. Dr Musonda said the survey had been instrumental in adjusting priorities for the malaria control programme.

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