
Saturday, March 20, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Gullible independent media fanning MDC-T corruption

Gullible independent media fanning MDC-T corruption
By: COMMENT by Frank Banda
Posted: Saturday, March 20, 2010 11:39 am

THE so-called independent media is encouraging the new crop of leaders, of the MDC-T kind, to be liars and downright cheats.

It is a truism that you get the politicians you deserve, and Morgan Tsvangirai and his group, are one troupe that Zimbabweans have mortgaged their future on, blindly, if I may say so.

The problem with that is, their hatred of Zanu-PF has made them blind to the inadequcies of that party and its group of corrupt, lying politicians.

I chuckle when I listen to interviews carried out by the likes of SW Radio, VOA, etc with MDC-T politicians. They have been made demi-gods and soothsayers who are incapable of making mistakes, of lying, of cheating.

Tsvangirai and an inner team of MDC-T heavyweights recently unilaterally extended his term of office, clearly defying that party's Constitution. No-one questioned that.

He has gone back on his word more than any other Zimbabwean politician in the history of Zimbabwean politics.

They have made endless promises to the Zimbabwean people, which have not been fulfilled or at least explained in full.

Zimbabweans, who support that party, have blindly followed lie after lie in the hope that the future will be different. In the meantime, those MDC-T people have become fat-cats who are less concerned about the plight of the people; and reflected the behaviour of that which they criticize.

They have shown that they are corruptible; more that Zanu-PF itself. The parallel Government structures they have created have never been questioned by the gullible so-called progressive journalists and their media organisations.

The day of reckoning is coming.

If you have selfish, ignorant people, you are going to get selfish, ignorant politicians. Where do you think politicians come from?

Do you tell the truth 100% of the time? I think not. And I am sure if elected, that wouldn't change.

Tsvangirai has been concerned about office, since he went in, not about delivery. The Roy Bennett story has been overplayed. That is a rich man. Why do his bidding when there are other urgent tasks at hand?

Will Bennett's appointment change the welfare of MDC-T supporters, or Zanu-PF even, who are suffering today?

Tsvangirai and his team have spent more team fighting President Mugabe, with whom they are in an inclusive Government than delivering for the people.

They want Reserve bank Governor Gideon Gono and Attorney General Johannes Tomana to go. You'd almost think that is why the MDC-T was founded.

This party simply has no policy. What is their social policy? What is their economic policy? They never debate that. Everytime an MDC-T politician opens their mouth, we hear more about what is going on in Zanu-PF than what they intend to do for the Zimbabwean people.

They are like people on a journey to nowhere; shifting direction each time the wind blows.

If a survey was to be held asking people what the MDC-T stands for, we would be hard-pressed to find an answer. Zanu-PF at least is uncompromising on getting land back to the people, indigenising the economy. Those are ideals that will make our people stronger and economically independent.

The MDC-T fights that cause without an alternative. How do they propose to empower the people; who have been disadvantaged for hundreds of years?

Their MPs are they to just criticize, heckle and make a fool of themselves, rather than profer solutions. They are angry, not rational.

Today, ministers like Nelson Chamisa, have nothing to show for the time they have been in that ministry. The country is still not connected (internetwise) despite the millions pumped by finance minister Tendai Biti into that ministry, yet he fights to get more power - to abuse.

If politicians told all truth, they'd never get elected. Former US President Jimmy Carter tried being honest and look where it got him--whupped by a former actor, Ronald Reagan.

The real question journalists should ask is: "Why should we put the MDC-T in office?"

I have heard arguments that, "Zanu-PF is corrupt to the core and will never deliver for the people." Fair enough, so we should put all our hopes in the MDC-T to "deliver change", as they say. So why let them "get away with murder" if they are the future?

The last time I checked, journalists claimed to have information in every corner, but more importantly they have senses, instinct and the power of perception. But, they don't use it.

If MDC-T is the future, then let's see what they are made of. Let's ask them the right questions, not fan corruption.

It seems the independent media is afraid of confronting the MDC-T over its promises.

The supporting public sits there day after day, while these people in office lie and cheat their way to the top, paying each other thousands of US dollars while civil servants get peanuts, while masses suffer.

Remember, people are the ones that run the world, not politicians, or CEOs. We elect the leaders, we boost the economy and business. We raise our chidren. So we should hold them accountable, not fan that corruption.

Today, we have an MDC-T ambassador by the name of Hebson Makuvise who was implicated in mishandling funds in the UK MDC-T constituency. He has appeared on SW Radio and other media several times. No-one dared ask him about that. Now he is silent. He is where he wanted to be.

Minister for national healing and reconciliation, Sekai Holland made divisive comments that sparked a row and threatened to divide our society and made Ndebele people look like cheats; yet she still is in office and Tsvangirai completely ignored the people when they questioned how such a caustic character could lead national healing.

"People in all powerful positions exist because of us."

We made them, we picked them they do our bidding.

The biggest lie the MDC-T can tell us is, "We made you people with our achievements."', They've done nothing, just enjoy the people's labour by taking it. People in power should use their power to protect, not to take. At the same time the people should be responsible for themselves if that person in power is hurting them. The public has had and always will have the power to change destiny.

With a gullible media, that will always be a mirage.

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