
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Israel, not Zimbabwe, threatens US foreign policy

Israel, not Zimbabwe, threatens US foreign policy
Posted: Monday, March 15, 2010 9:26 pm

US PRESIDENT Barack Obama recently renewed the so-called Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (Zidera) saying the country still posed a threat to US foreign policy. How Zimbabwe does that is anyone's guess. President Obama's grandstanding politics is a cause of concern to all those who watch the US with interest.

When he came into power, he promised to engage those leaders who were willing to talk to make the world a better place.

He has quickly abandoned that pledge, among other pledges and continued with the status quo, and has maintained the status of America as a bully -- a bully that preys on weaker nations, and is afraid to face other global powers.

Obama's call for an end to settlement building in Jerusalem by Israel cannot be taken seriously. Noone believes the US will sanction Israel in a manner that it sanctions weaker countries like Zimbabwe.

Israel does not want peace or any permanent boundary with Palestinians as they think that it is cheaper in the long run to keep the status quo and continue annexing new land from them.

They aren't concerned about and bound by any moral considerations regarding their actions in occupied territories.

They have harmed the interests of the US more than any other foreign country or group of people did in the history, and they contiune to do so with great impunity -- and it doesn't look like President Obama will do anything about it.

Obama has to completely disassociate his foreign policy from Israel’s actions otherwise his words to the Middle Eastern and African countries will continue to have no meaning.

It is ironic that In 2010, the US will provide $2.775 billion in security aid to Israel and with it they will continue policies to decrease regional stability and work directly against US interests.

In any case, America and Israel are two sides of one coin: they want peace, but only after they have killed all their enemies.

One can argue that Israel is a sovereign nation like any other. That's true. They can do as they please. But the United States does not have to finance them. They should sanction them like they do with Zimbabwe and withdraw all foreign aid.

Obama needs all those tax dollars for healthcare for all Americans; otherwise he will go down in history as, "The President who said the most, but did the least".

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