
Sunday, March 14, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T party, an embarassment to the African continent

MDC-T party, an embarassment to the African continent
By: Tendai Midzi
Posted: Sunday, March 14, 2010 3:05 pm

DEAR EDITOR - The MDC-T party led by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai is an embarassment to all Africans. The party has completely failed to adopt a Zimbabwean, or African agenda in its pursuit of power. A party that makes the loudest noise is not necessarily one that has the welfare of the people at heart.

The party has pursued a Western agenda for too long and its leaders have been handsomely awarded accolades (so-called human rights awards) by the United States, etc, countries that have killed and maimed millions across the globe.

It is a total disregard of all those people who died trying to free their own people from the yoke of colonisation.

How one party can advocate the return of our lands to colonisers, in the name of property rights, is shocking to say the least.

The sons and daughters of the soil who died trying to free us are turning in their graves today, as they watch so-called 'human rights defenders' pose for photographs receiving 'awards'.

Maybe the MDC-T party has forgotten how our people were killed like flies at Chimoio and Nyadzonia, among other places.

They have forgotten how Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi died trying to free us; or how millions perished during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

Over 50,000 black people perished under the evil apartheid system of Ian Smith; yet journalists and commentators try to defend the likes of Bennett and others who have no moral right to talk human rights.

Our governments can make mistakes, but we will never be persuaded to forget what the imperialists and colonisers did to us. We will not be persuaded to abandon our leaders in favour of erstwhile colonisers.

When I read statements by gullible Zimbabwean journalists who work to return our sacred lands to erstwhile colonisers, I get disgusted.

Our ancestors died and were buried in those farmlands. Their graves were graded and leveled, and our people put into camps and 'keeps' and the imperialists started farming on those lands, with complete disregard of thousands of years of our own tradition.

What right do these people have to call those sacred lands 'their farms'?

Blacks were farming in those areas when the colonisers came, so how can any right thinking person have the audacity to say blacks can't farm? The colonisers learnt to farm from our people. They learnt about those rich fertile soils from our people.

Those who wish to see recolonisation of our country should be ashamed of themselves; and we will not make any apologies for thinking like that.

The MDC-T party has the audacity to appoint a person like Roy Bennett, a former BSA police officer and Selous Scout, to deputy minister of agriculture. What are they playing at? Our people fought for land, and our government cannot have the likes of Bennett running our land policy, never. We will not listen to any lecturing on human rights from the likes of Bennett, Eddie Cross, etc.

Racial harmony can be achieved, but only if those who enslaved us can start by acknowledging their past evils and stop grandstanding when it comes to issues of human rights. We fought for our independence and we will fight to defend it.

Tendai Midzi is a lecturer in economics at London's Metropolitan University.

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