
Thursday, March 04, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai hypocritical on sanctions

Tsvangirai hypocritical on sanctions
Sixpence Manyengavana - Opinion
Thu, 04 Mar 2010 13:45:00 +0000

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, in his capacity as leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change, advocated the imposition of sanctions on Zimbabwe as one of the methods he thought would assist him to occupy the highest office in the land.

Unfortunately, instead of catapulting the ambitious Tsvangirai from being a mere opposition leader to being Head of State, the embargo brought untold suffering to his kith and kin in Zimbabwe.

Upon realization that he had used a wrong method as a catalyst to his ascendancy, Tsvangirai has finally acknowledged that what he has been calling “restrictive measures” all along, when they are actually sanctions.

The book of Luke in The Bible tells us of a father who forgave his prodigal son after he came back to ask for forgiveness for what he had done, but we as Zimbabweans are not prepared to forgive Tsvangirai because he is a hypocrite.

The British came out openly saying they are guided by Tsvangirai on the removal of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe but Mr. Tsvangirai came out on national television saying that it is not what we say but what we do that is going to determine the removal of sanctions.

He went on to say that those who imposed sanctions have their own benchmarks they are going to use in order to remove the embargo. What does he mean by this?

If David Miliband said they are waiting for Tsvangirai to tell them to remove sanctions, why can’t he just go to Britain and tell them to remove them?

Sanctions are not going to be removed because Tsvangirai came out on ZTV calling for their removal.

If Tsvangirai is genuine in his call, he should go to the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union and tell them to let Zimbabwe off the sanctions hook then we can start respecting him as our Prime Minister.

In the meantime we regard him as a traitor.
Sixpence Manyengavana

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