
Thursday, March 18, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zimbabwe talks are very fruitful: Zuma

Zimbabwe talks are very fruitful: Zuma
By: Ralph Mutema
Posted: Thursday, March 18, 2010 4:47 pm

South African President Jacob Zuma (R) shakes hands with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai before discussions on the Global Political Agreement (GPA) at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in the capital Harare, March 17, 2010.

VISITING South African President and Sadc-appointed facilitator to the power-sharing talks in Zimbabwe, Mr Jacob Zuma said his talks Thursday with Zimbabwe's leaders were "fruitful".

"I am very encouraged by the spirit of cooperation displayed by the leaders and all the parties," Mr Zuma said after nearly three hours of round-table talks with President Robert Mugabe, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara.

"I have had fruitful discussions" with the leaders, he said.

According to Zuma, the "parties have agreed to a package of measures to be implemented concurrently as per the decision of the Sadc troika (on politics, defence and security) in Maputo. I believe that the implementation of this package will take the process forward substantially."

But he gave no indication of what measures had been agreed or when they would be implemented, saying only that negotiators will continue meeting next week to discuss how to reach goals set out months ago.

"The leaders have instructed their negotiating teams to attend to all outstanding matters during their deliberations," he said.

Negotiators will discuss all the outstanding issues and report to Zuma on March 31.

Zuma will then present "a comprehensive progress report" to the chairperson of the Sadc troika, President Armando Guebuza of Mozambique.

President Mugabe signed a Global Political Agreement with the two leaders of the MDC formations PM Tsvangirai and DPM Mutambara in in September 2008. The GPA paved the way for the formation of an inclusive Government in February last year.

But the leaders remain sharply divided on the issue of illegal sanctions imposed by the EU and US on the behest of the MDC. The MDC-T in turn would like key appointments reversed and the treason charges against PM Tsvangirai ally, Roy Bennett dropped.

President Mugabe maintains that Western sanctions should be lifted before he makes further concessions to the MDCs.

Both the United States and the European Union this year extended their sanctions for another 12 months, insisting that President Mugabe implement reforms before the restrictions are lifted.

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