
Thursday, March 04, 2010

‘Tsvangirai, MDC elected members to declare assets’

‘Tsvangirai, MDC elected members to declare assets’
By Kingsley Kaswende in Harare, Zimbabwe
Wed 03 Mar. 2010, 18:30 CAT

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and all other elected members of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) have been asked to declare their assets in and outside the country annually as provided for in the party’s newly drafted code of conduct.

The elected office bearers will be required to append their signatures to the code this week, a code that was prompted by massive corruption within the party that led to the expulsion of 23 councillors last month who awarded themselves land in dubious circumstances.

“Among other issues, all MDC public officials should by 13 January of each year deposit with a known legal law firm, a list of all immovable property, movable property and liabilities in and outside Zimbabwe. The MDC officials shall also perform their official duties and arrange their private affairs in a manner that allows closest public scrutiny, an obligation that is not fully discharged by simply acting within the law,” a party statement reads.

Last month, a corruption scandal was unearthed in Chitungwiza town, about 20 kilometres south of Harare, in which a mayor, his deputy and 21 other councillors were sacked for illegally awarding themselves and selling residential and commercial plots.

Local government minister in the inclusive government, Ignatius Chombo, who belongs to ZANU-PF, however refused to sack the councillors arguing that the issue was an internal MDC matter.

Elections may soon be held in the affected wards and while the expelled councillors cease being MDC members, they still remain councillors and can choose to be either independents or join any other political formation.

“All MDC officials, including party president Morgan Tsvangirai, the entire senior party leadership to ward level representatives, are expected to sign the code of ethics and values beginning this week. One of the main objectives of the code, known as the Real Change Code of Ethics and Values, is for all party officials to shun any form of corruption and abuse of office and be accountable to the party and the people of Zimbabwe who voted them into public office,” the statement reads.

“This code shall apply to all elected, appointed or deployed officials of the MDC serving in the party, government, local authorities, any institution receiving public funds, parastatals, voluntary associations and any other public or private body howsoever defined.”

The MDC said the ethics code was the first of its kind to be crafted and implemented by a political party in southern Africa and it would have strict guidelines that would apply to all MDC public office bearers.

“The benchmarks would also provide a legitimate and transparent measurement and yardstick for the evaluation of all MDC representatives,” the statement reads.

The party has also established an independent investigations commission that will probe any allegations of corruption brought against its officials.

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