
Saturday, March 06, 2010

Zambia has enough maize to reach next season – Daka

Zambia has enough maize to reach next season – Daka
By Ernest Chanda
Sat 06 Mar. 2010, 03:10 CAT

PARLIAMENT yesterday heard that the nation has in stock about 402,000 metric tonnes of maize that will last up to the next marketing season.

Delivering a ministerial statement on the current food security and input distribution for 2009-2010 agriculture season, agriculture minister Peter Daka said the maize was in the hands of different players in the sector.

“In terms of food security, as at 17th February 2010, the country still had a total of about 303, 975 metric tonnes of good quality maize grain.

The maize was held by players in the sector as follows: The Food Reserve Agency, 194,933 metric tonnes; Millers who belong to the Millers Association of Zambia, 100,000 metric tonnes; and the Grain Traders Association of Zambia, 9,042 metric tonnes uncommitted stocks,” Daka explained.

“In addition to the above figures, the Zambia National Farmers Union expects its members to harvest about 100,000 metric tonnes of early maize. The total maize available is therefore about 402,975 metric tonnes. This maize is enough to see us up to the next marketing season.”

Daka said the Ministry of Agriculture and the Central Statistical Office were currently conducting training for officers to be involved in the crop forecasting exercise aimed at assessing crop production for this season.

And science and technology minister Dr Brian Chituwo told Parliament that the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (NISIR) in Lusaka had a workforce of 181 as at December 2009.

Responding to a question from Pambashe parliamentarian Dr Bernard Chisha who wanted to know what the total workforce was, the qualifications of respective officers and what research and development programmes the personnel at the institution were involved in, Dr Chituwo said although NISIR had numerous challenges, some important national research programmes were still being carried out.

“As at December 2009 the total workforce at the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research stood at 181. Of the total workforce, the number of scientific personnel holding Bachelors degrees, Master’s degrees and Doctor of Philosophy degrees is currently 34 and distributed as follows: Bachelors degrees 7, Master’s degrees 13, Doctor of Philosophy degrees 4,” Dr Chituwo said.

Dr Chituwo said the institution still conducted several research programmes in biotechnology, livestock productivity and disease control; and information services, among others.

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