
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) Mpofu dismisses corruption allegations

Mpofu dismisses corruption allegations
By: TC-tzg
Posted: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:32 am

THE Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Obert Mpofu has dismissed reports that he and his ministry are benefiting from illegal mining activities in Chiadzwa.

Media reports on Tuesday suggested that the minister, who has a string of businesses, has been engaged in illegal mining activities and was personally enriching himself from diamonds mined at Chiadzwa.

The Minister, on the contrary, said he had stopped corruption at the diamond fields in Manicaland Province of Zimbabwe.

“There have been illegal diamond dealings in Chiadzwa and I have put my head on the block to redress the situation,” he said.

"Most people who are talking have been benefiting from the illegal mining of the precious stones and we will expose them because we have their names.

“We know that they have been sponsoring journalists in writing stories to vilify and demonise the ministry and it is a matter of time before we release their names."

Quizzed about his own string of investments, the minister defended his investment deals saying, "It is a known fact that I am a businessman and businessmen buy properties. I do not want to talk about my business.”

He added: “Everyone knows that I own York House in Bulawayo which is of higher value.

"Why should they be excited by the fact that I bought cheaper houses in a high-density suburb?”

Action group, Sokwanele reported on its website that a casino had opened on the site of the old Ascot Race Course in Bulawayo and was reportedly financed by Mpofu and his brother.

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Recent media reports have questioned the suitability of companies that were given licences — Mbada Holdings and Canadile Miners — to partner the Government in extracting the diamonds in Chiadzwa, while others sought to suggest impropriety on the part of the ministry.

Amid the accusations, the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mines and Energy recently launched a probe into the mining of the precious mineral at Chiadzwa.

"The Cabinet has ratified the decision that was taken before the inclusive Government. It is the best Government could have done under the circumstances.

“Why then should we listen to elements of negativity?" asked Minister Mpofu.

He challenged those alleging corruption in his ministry to bring evidence to prove their claims.

"It is idiotic to suppose that there are irregularities in the ministry yet they do not have any evidence. And those who were illegally benefiting from the mining activities, what processes did they follow when they acquired the concessions?" asked Minister Mpofu.

"This is a consortium of corrupt and Mafia-style type of diamond dealers, so we can not be moved by such detractors whose agenda is known by the people."

The Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) and its partners Mbada Holdings and Canadile Miners have invested more than US$100 million state-of-the-art mining and security equipment.

They have also constructed an airstrip to facilitate the transportation of diamonds and per requirements of the Kimberly Process Certification (KPC).

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