
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) Zimbabwean journalists: an embarrasing lot

Zimbabwean journalists: an embarrasing lot
By: Barnabas Matangi
Posted: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 9:00 pm

DEAR EDITOR - Zimbabwe has got some of the most ignorant journalists on planet earth. Infact, some of them are so shallow that they do not deserve to be called journalists at all.

Interestingly, many of them work for media organisations that claim to be independent and impartial; yet they spew a lot of propaganda that is divisive to our society. Most of these journalists work in the Diaspora where they are used by the West to paint a grim picture about Zimbabwe.

Rather than report objectively, they jump on the bandwagon; or are too weak to write that which could go against the establishment. They do not have minds of their own. They do not think outside the box.

Many Zimbabwean journalists have been awarded accolades for spreading falsehoods about Zimbabwe and any self-respecting person should be ashamed of this: selling your own country for a few pieces of silver.

Interestingly, they are so shallow that once they have bought a small house in some remote part of the UK (or US) they have made it in life. Young people in Zimbabwe are running big organisations in Zimbabwe and making it big, while this ignorant lot question everything under the sun; and get left behind.

How do these people sleep at night?

Infact, how do they survive the day, looking for negative stories about Zimbabwe and manufacturing new ones whenever they fail to get juicy ones.

They recycle analysts and analyses and have nothing more to offer Zimbabwe. Rotten journalists, like old generals, should just fade away.

They do not write to enlighten the public about an issue or problem, they do not write to try and offer solutions to a persisting problem. Instead, they write to please their masters – political masters, economic and business masters, social masters, etc.

These people should not even be called journalists in the first place, because they purposefully break and bend journalism rules for selfish purposes or the purposes of a select group and gamble with the interests of the public.

What they should be called are prostitutes – because they’ll do anything their pimp demands.

They defame and slander, mispronounce words, discuss technical issues they know nothing about and embarass us on the international stage.

Zimbabwe could do better, only if it didn't have this crop of ignorant journalists. This is very embarassing!

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