
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Zulu describes current political situation as unhealthy

Zulu describes current political situation as unhealthy
By Sandra Lombe
Tue 09 Mar. 2010, 03:40 CAT

GREY Zulu has described the current political situation in the country as unhealthy.

In an interview on Saturday, Zulu who is former UNIP secretary general said the current political situation in the country was not healthy as leaders insulted and demeaned each other in public.

Zulu said there was need for leaders to desist from maligning each other but instead concentrate on developing the country. He said cheap politicking retarded development.

“It is not healthy. We spend more time talking about leaders, it's not good. And the other item, which is bad is the multiplication of political parties despite the number of political parties that we have. The number has shot up. I can guess in future only three can be recognised,” he said.

“They other political parties will die a natural death. I made it clear even at the beginning. Of the majority number of political parties, only few will survive, I can predict only three. It's not healthy for a country to have so many political parties.”

Zulu said people should not attempt to form political parties when they could join already existing ones.

“What we have number of political parties is too many already. They those that are forming political parties can join what's available," said Zulu.

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