
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Canada urges Zambia to provide leadership on Zim political agreement

COMMENT - You can't talk of providing leadership on Zimbabwe and praise the military dictator of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, at the same time. Paul Kagame is a US/UK stooge, who is deeply involved in the atrocities in the Eastern DRC.

Canada urges Zambia to provide leadership on Zim political agreement
By Patson Chilemba
Thu 01 Apr. 2010, 04:00 CAT

NEWLY-accredited Canadian High Commissioner to Zambia Robert Orr yesterday said Canada looks to Zambia to provide leadership within SADC to ensure the implementation of the global political agreement in Zimbabwe.

And President Rupiah Banda received credentials from three diplomats who included High Commissioner Orr, High Commissioner Ndangiza Fatuma Nyirabokwa from Rwanda and Ambassador-designate Oliver Richard from France at State House.

Presenting his credentials, High Commissioner Orr said Canada was grateful for Zambia’s support in the international fora on issues of common interest and regional peace and security.

“In particular, Canada looks to Zambia to provide leadership within SADC to ensure the implementation of the Global Political Agreement in Zimbabwe and Zambia’s commitment to sustain peace, security and prosperity in the Great Lakes Region,” he said.

High Commissioner Orr said Zambia and Canada had much in common in that they both had low population density, vibrant ethnic diversity and a profound dedication to the ideals of “peace, order and good government”.

“Canada sees it as essential that there are strong efforts in Zambia to ensure good governance, including efforts to attack corruption, to foster an environment for multi-party democracy and to support an open and free election process. These elements are key ingredients to allow proper democratic and economic development of the country,” he said.

High Commissioner Orr said Canada remained committed to supporting sustainable development and providing humanitarian assistance in order to promote a more equitable and prosperous world.

He said Canada had delivered on its commitment to double aid to Africa to $2.1 billion in 2008/9 from the 2003/4 levels.

High Commissioner Orr said Canada had joined other partners in supporting the strengthening of the electoral processes in Zambia, with a contribution of $2.5 million.

He said in 2007/8 Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) provided $17.27 million in official development assistance to Zambia and increased this to $20.56 million in 2008/9.

“Unfortunately, because of the world’s financial situation and its impact on Canada’s budget, some difficult decisions have been made and continue to be made about Canada’s overseas presence. The result has been seen readjustment of our overseas staff complement, including the closure of some missions and reduction of staff in others,” said High Commissioner Orr.

“This has also resulted in a non-resident High Commissioner to Zambia. Notwithstanding this change, I can assure you that it has not reduced Canada’s commitment to work with Zambia in pursuing common political objectives, continuing commercial activities and delivering development assistance in an efficient manner, even if some activities are from a greater distance.”

Accepting the letters of credence, President Banda said High Commissioner Orr was taking his appointment at a time when Zambia and Canada were emerging from the world economic crisis.

He said although the impact of the crisis in the two countries had been different, owing to the varying levels of development, there was need to re-focus the partnership towards using Canadian development assistance to enhance the resilience of the Zambian economy to withstand the unexpected global economic shocks.

And Ambassador Richard said time seemed ripe for exploring possibilities of bilateral official development aid projects between France and Zambia.

He said the French Development Agency, which is the French governmental body in charge of official development aid, recently granted 35 million pounds for a project in Namibia aimed at connecting the Zambia and Namibia national electricity grids, and they also granted a US $35 million credit line to ZANACO.

Ambassador Richard said the French Development Agency was willing to provide the government of Zambia with loans at concessional rates.

President Banda said SADC faced the challenge of assisting Madagascar return to constitutional order and Zimbabwe to resolve issues pertaining to the implementation of the global political agreement.

Receiving the letters of credence from High Commissioner Nyirobokwa, President Banda said the recent history of Rwanda had been indelibly marked by the tragic events that took place about 16 years ago.

He said memories of that continued to impact not only on the daily lives of the ordinary people of Rwanda but also the relations that country maintained with immediate and distant neighbours in the Great Lakes Region.

President Banda said he fully supported President Paul Kagame’s efforts aimed at ensuring that Rwanda came to terms with itself.

President Banda said the genocide victims must genuinely forgive the perpetrators and conversely in order to return the country to peaceful and harmonious co-existence.

High Commissioner Nyirobokwa said the last 16 years after the genocide had been a tale of courage under fire.

High Commssioner Nyirobokwa said Rwanda had emerged as a peaceful, united and reconciled country at peace with itself and with the neighbours from the ashes of devastation and anguish, thanks to the leadership of President Kagame.

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