
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Catholic Church not competing with govt – Girasoli

Catholic Church not competing with govt – Girasoli
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Wed 21 Apr. 2010, 23:30 CAT

VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Archbishop Nicola Girasoli (left) has said the Catholic Church is not competing with the government or with any other institution. During the national day of the Holy See yesterday, Archbishop Girasoli said the Catholic Church was not interested in any human or political power.

"We are partners pursuing the same goal which is the wellbeing of all Zambians and to serve and help the people, although in a different way, and regardless their religious affiliation," he said.

He said in Zambia almost 30 per cent of the citizens were officially declared Catholic which meant that it was impossible to have among such a large number of Catholics in Zambia uniformity of thinking and of speaking in the so many social and human issues that Zambians citizens were facing.

"Unfortunately very often the single voice of one of our Catholic member or one member of the clergy is confused with or taken as the official voice of the Catholic Church in Zambia.

Of course, different points of views, with whom we may agree or not, are always welcome and are an enrichment for democracy and a support for a fruitful dialogue in the society. So we respect the opinion of everybody," he said.

Archbishop Girasoli said the Catholic Church officially speaks only through the ZEC and for matters related to the Church and the State through the Vatican Embassy.

He said Catholics in Zambia must not be identified by their social, human or political choices, but by their own Christian faith and Christian values which come always before of any respectful, personal and different views.

Archbishop Girasoli appealed to all Catholics in Zambia to be united by their faith and their Christian values.

He said the Vatican enjoyed international recognition by so many nations, states and different cultures and besides being the central government of the universal Church, the Vatican played an active role in the worldwide community of peoples and offers its genuine co-operation and partnership in various areas of international interest concerns.

Archbishop Girasoli said the relations between Zambia and the Vatican were solid and good.

"In fact, this year marks the 45th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Zambia and Holy See-Vatican. The Holy See and the Catholic Church do not claim any special expertise in financial, economic or political nature, but stands ready to contribute and make reference to the basic principles of an ethical nature that must guide all genuine human endeavours," he said.

He said the main concern of the Catholic Church was not to say or to indicate what Zambians had or had not to do.

Archbishop Girasoli said the main goal of the Catholic Church was to serve Zambian people, to share their sorrows and their hopes and help them regardless of their religious affiliation.

He said the Catholic Church serves the Zambian people with 220 schools, one Catholic University in Kalulushi, 69 health institutions including hospitals, rural heath centres and hospices.
Archbishop Girasoli said it was easy to realise that the Catholic Church was the major partner of the government, and of the public institutions of Zambia, in the fields of education and health.

During the same function, Archbishop Girasoli handed the Vatican Honours and Decorations to several Catholic personalities for their dedicated work for the Church and the people of Zambia.

These included Mary Yunike Mwale, chairperson of the National Council of the Catholic Women in Zambia-Pontifical Medal of Pope Benedict XVI, Rosario Fundanga, Member of the Secular Third Order of Saint Francis - Pontifical Medal of Pope Benedict XVI.

Dr Mark Chona, chairman of Matantala Rule Integrated Development Enterprise, chairman of the board of Zambia Honey Council, member of the advisory board council of foreign relations (New York), Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great, Dr Owen Daka, international lawyer- Cross 'Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice' and Dr Johnston Chizinga, Ambassador of Zambia to Germany- Cross 'Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice'.

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